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Hey mom- can i apologize?

Hey dad i'v been living in disguise 

I'm sorry to say i'm not the daughter you want

I'm sorry to say that i wish to be a son

I'm sorry to tell you i find girls beautiful ;

I'm sorry to say about my religion : ''i'm not sure''

but if you take a good look at my heart

you will see i'm the same Furat

You should know i'm not perfect and some things about me aren't chosen

i'm just trying to live with your disappointment but it's near impossible

can't you just let it go? for the sake of a quite soul

This is a letter from a girl who hides

The lost child who cries every night 

The one who searched for words to write

looking for songs to satisfy the pain inside

cycle of my life.

                                                      The end

hi! i hope you liked this - i feel like most of what i write is shit lol but hey that's why i always ask you guys what you think so let me know and i'll see in the next one

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