The end to a ''friend''

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I'ma say all the words inside my head

No dots,no space

no break for the pen

Let the ink drip on every page you can find

This is the hurricane of my damn mind

Don't tell me what i can't do

what to say or what to choose

i know myself more than you

Don't take me for a fool

I write every word that comes to mind

i rhyme like i'm running out of time 

I write every idea down

i plant the seed in ground

i wait patiently for the tree

We all know patience makes a masterpiece 

I'm done with people like you

always think i'm your toy

well time to cut the strings and show my voice

I'v had enough of this:

playing by your script

So get out of the way and let me do my shit

I know where to go

I know my goals

you don't have to make my road

Cuz your road is flawed

filled with holes and bombs 

Always the first to sabotage 

Got news for ya buddy- ya can't make me fall.

                                                                                The end

Hey! hope you enjoyed this and don't forget to give me your thoughts and vote if you liked it 

i'll see you in the next one

Emotion  (Poems)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora