Chapter 4.

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I walked the rest of the way home in such a good mood. His kiss was just so.. I couldn't even explain how it made me feel.
I snuck back into my room and my mom was standing right there! "Where the hell have you been!" She yelled from the top of her lungs. "J-just to the woods mom." I said nervously because I knew she was about to do something to me! She yanked my wrist and was yelling at me so much. "I will screw your windows shut if that's what I need to do to keep you in here! You are so grounded!" She yelled at me. She threw me on my bed and I almost missed it. My wrist was purple from her grip.
I was sitting on my bed crying from her yelling and the pain in my wrist. I just sat there for what felt like hours just crying. I cried my self to sleep that afternoon. My wrist was sore the whole rest of the day. I went to get ice and tried to avoid my mom. I got the ice and headed back to my room.
My mom popped out of nowhere. She noticed my puffy eyes and the ice pack. "What's that for sweetie." She asked like nothing ever happened. "It's for what you did to me!" I yelled and I showed her my bruised wrist. "Eddie..I'm so sorry honey." She said with her voice shaking. She tried to hug me but I backed away the quickly walked to my room and shut the door. I sat there and cried again.
I slept well that night knowing me and Eddie felt the same about each other. It was the next day and I wanted to see Eddie. I called him to ask him if he wanted to go to the quarry or something.
I called his house but he didn't answer. His mom did? "Umm..hello?" I asked. "Who's this?" His mom asked with an attitude in her voice. "Is-is Eddie home?" I asked. "Why?" She asked like she was concerned.
"Uh- J-just to hang out." I replied. "I'm sorry he can't. Bye." She said. "Mrs.K." I asked "Bye!" Why was she so angry? "Mom what's going on?" I heard Eddie in the background. "Someone's calling for you but you can't leave!" She yelled. "Mrs.K can I speak to Eddie please?" I asked nicely. "Mom just let me talk to him please." I could hear him begging her. "Eddie go to your room!" She yelled at him. "Don't call here!" She yelled in the phone. Before she hung up I heard Eddie. "Your always like this mom! You already hurt me! My wrist is bruised from you! I am ashamed to call you my mom!" He yelled at her with his voice cracking like he was gonna cry.
What did she do to him?! His wrist was bruised! "Get over here Eddie!" And she hung up the phone. I called Bill immediately. I asked if he knew Eddies address. He told me and I rushed over there. I saw his bike and saw Eddies window. I could see him and his mom arguing. I was so scared for Eddie.
I couldn't tell what they were saying but it was probably about me. I should've never called. This is my fault. I saw his mom slap him then she shoved him into his dresser. He looked like he hurt his arm. His mom left the room so I went up to his window and tapped it. I saw him crying on the floor holding his arm. He came to the window and opened with his eyes full of tears. "Eddie are you ok?" I asked with my eyes tearing up.
"M-My arm." He said crying. It was purple and looked broken. "Ed's you need to go to the doctor." I said and felt a tear fall. "I-I know." And he burst into tears. I was holding him when he heard his mom coming. "Rich you have to go!" He demanded. "I can't. I saw you and your mom arguing I don't want anything else to happen to you." I said with a shaky voice. "Hold on. Hide in the side of the house." He told me. I went on the side of his house trying to listen to him and his mom talking.
"Who were you talking to?!" She asked him. "Myself mom because I can't talk to anyone else!" They were arguing again. I know this can't be good. "Sweetie your arm, it's purple and swollen it doesn't look good." She told him like she had no clue she pushed him into a wooden dresser. "Yeah mom, that's from you! You did this!" He snapped at her. "Eddie-Bear I'm so sorry." She said crying. "You said that about my wrist but you broke my arm!" He yelled at her.
"Let's get you to the doctor." She told him. I wanted to yell at her so bad and tell her off! They walked out of the house and into their car. I had to hide so she wouldn't see me because Eddie probably would get yelled at even more. He came out teary eyed and his mom looked a little sad but she knew what she had done. She kept acting like she didn't know what she did. That had pissed me off. Eddie was being abused.
Just thinking that made me cry. He was such a sweet kid. Why did this have to happen to him.
I started to walk and act like I was just taking a walk. I kept staring at Eddies car and making sure nothing was gonna happen. I wasn't even paying attention to what was happening at the moment. Eddie was about to drive off but then...
"Richie move!!!" I heard him yell. I turned around then suddenly

Omg this was a hard chapter to write.I felt like the story needed more intensity so I wrote it. But I hope you enjoy it I tried hard though-Bethany💓

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