Chapter 7.

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We ran and followed Eddies scream. At least we thought it was Eddie. We were getting closer and we finally reached Eddie. He was sitting there staring and yelling and crying at nothing. "Eddie!" I called to him. He was still sitting there panicking so we grabbed him and pulled him up.
"Eddie what's wrong what happened?!" Beverley asked him. "Th-th-there w-was a clown!" He was panicking and crying. He was having trouble breathing so we had to find his inhaler quick! "Hey hey hey breath Eddie!" Mike tried to calm Eddie down. I just remembered how Eddie saw a clown,could it be the one we saw at the neibolt house!? "E-Ed's w-what did it l-look like!?" I asked him. "He He was hideous a-and he he had this worn out white suit on and his his face is all.." he was having trouble when he was speaking.
The way he described the clown was like the one we saw! "What did it do to you!?" Beverley asked. "Chased me through to woods." He was starting to calm down. "Guys!" Mike yelled. We turned to him and wish we didn't. That clown found us no matter what. He was giving us the ugliest smile we've ever seen. "This can't b-be real!" I yelled. "M-My inhaler!" Eddie was starting to panic. We were searching and searching till we finally found it. By the time we gave it to Eddie, he was so pale from not being able to breathe. "T-Take me home." He was starting to cry. We still didn't get to tell him about Richie. "Well Richie wanted you to know that he's gonna be out of the hospital today." Stanley tried to cheer him up.
Eddies face literally lit up. "Well then let's go!" You could tell he was really happy to hear the news.

My mom was starting to pack up my things while the doctor came in. "So it turns out you might need to stay just for tonight. We want to run a CT scan and take a few X-Rays before you leave. Just to make sure your recovered."
The doctor explained to us. Ughh. Dammit! I was ready to get out of this hell hole. I followed him to the room. I took the CT scan first. It gave me the creeps. "This shouldn't take long." I went in and I was glad it was over. I went to the X-Ray room and waited. I went back to my room hoping everything went good so I could just go home and go to my bed. I was half asleep when the doctor came in. He looked sad when he walked in. He sighed and shut the door gently. Shit this didn't look so good. "Um Richie I know you were probably ready to go home but." He sighed again and handed me the pictures from the CT scan. My mom broke into tears. I was looking at her then I looked at the pictures. ". Richie, I'm sorry to tell you this but you have a tumor on your kidney ." He looked at me with sad eyes. I felt a tear run down my face. "D-Does this mean I-I'm gonna die?" I asked crying.
I started thinking about Eddie and how hurt he would be. "Well not necessarily. We caught it on time and it's still small. The good news is we can surgically remove it." Thank fuck! I thought to my self. "Mrs. Tozier can I speak with you outside please?" He asked my mom. "Yes." She said sniffling. I was thinking about Eddie the whole time and crying. I don't want to die,not now!
I heard commotion at the door and wondered what was happening . "I need to see him! Right now!" It was Eddie! "I'm sorry young man but he can't have visitors at the moment! You can come tomorrow, ok." Eddie sounded frustrated. "C-Come on Eds w-we can come tomorrow." It was Bill. He sounded disappointed. Everyone was probably there. I wanted to see all of them. I missed my best friends. I was getting tired so I went to sleep. I wanted tomorrow to come already so I could see Eddie and my friends.
God Eddie was so sensitive and I already knew he was gonna have a breakdown if he heard what was going on.

"You guys told me he was out!" I yelled at everyone. I was done I just wanted to see Richie. "You guys lied to me! I-I thought I was gonna be able to see him but now I can't!" I was starting to cry my eyes out. "Look we didn't know,he said he was gonna be out of that place Eds." Stanley was trying to calm me down. I threw myself to the ground leaning on a tree and sitting there with my head in my arms.
I didn't want to go home. I was scared I was going to get beat when I got there. "W-We'll Walk you h-home." Bill offered. We all walked to my house I didn't even bother to say bye. It was around 8:00 when I got home and my mom was furious. "Where the hell have you been!? I was about to call the police!" Yup. She was angry. "I went out for a while that's all." I started to walk off to my room. "Eddie you get back here!" I walked towards her and yelled more. "Mom I'm sorry it's just that Richie wanted me to visit but when I got there, the doctors wouldn't let me in." I tried to be calm.
"If I can mom can I please go tomorrow. I feel like somethings wrong and I just want to be there." My eyes started filling with tears and the next thing I knew I was crying. My mom held me and told me to go to sleep and she would drive me there. When I walked to my bedroom I was just drowned in thoughts. "Why couldn't I see him,what was going on?" I fell asleep from stressing so much. The next morning my mom drove me to the hospital. "I'll be in the waiting room. Don't take to long." She said. "I'll try not to. She started looking through magazines when I left. I knocked on Richies door and heard him say come in. I was so happy to see him. He looked so exhausted. I went and gave him a hug. Trying to be gentle. We spent a little time talking then he let out a sigh. "Um.. E-Eddie?" He asked shakily. "Yes?" I replied. "I need to tell you something but I don't want you to cry ok." Shit this can't be good. "It depends." I said.
"Ok well.. I-I have c-can-cancer." He said and a tear fell. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. I broke into tears. "No. No it-it can't be true! The the tests they have to be wrong!" I was slapping the bed when I was talking. "Eddie it's gonna be ok I promise. And they're not wrong." He handed me some pictures. I was balling my eyes out. I laid beside him and hugging him and crying. "Eds it is going to be fine. The doctor said they can remove it." "I don't want you to die now!" I was crying more and holding him tightly. He was running his fingers through my hair. I looked at the time and told him I had to leave. I didn't want to leave him but mom would be mad. I told him bye and went to my mom. She got up and I ran into her arms crying. "Mommy!" I was crying so much. "Come one sweetie let's go home."

I'm so sorry about this very late update! But I hope you like this chapel yet I cried some while writing it. I am trying to keep up with this story. But anyways enjoy!-Bethany💓

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