Chapter 5.

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At this point with what I just saw I didn't give on care about my arm. I hopped out of the car before my mom could even stop me. "Eddie,get back in here!" I was running towards Richie balling my eyes out!
"Richie!" I said holding him and crying. "Come on please!" I was in tears. He was still breathing but not moving at all! His eyes were shut and he was bleeding so much. "Richie.. p-please come on!" I was holding him closer that even his blood was on me. My mom came out of the car. "Mom..h-he needs to go to the hospital now!" My voice was cracking. "I'm not gonna pay for his visit!" She snapped at me. "Mom please!" I was crying but yelling. She went in to the house and called 911 and I just sat there with him in my arms crying.
When they got there they took Richie away and I couldn't breathe I was crying so much. "Come on sweetie we need to get your arm worked on." She told me and directed me to the car. I didn't care about my arm at that moment my mind was just in Richie. The whole crash just kept replaying in my head. I wasn't focused on anything and we were at the hospital before I knew it.
"Okay come on." My mom told me motioning to get out of the car. As soon as we got in they were rushing Richie to the emergency room. "Come on his pulse is dropping!" One of the paramedics yelled. At that moment I started to panic! It was so bad my asthma hit me. I was panicking for my inhaler! My mom handed it to me and I was breathing normally. Still crying but I was breathing better. "Eddie?" The doctors finally called me in. I went to the back room and we passed the emergency room. I could hear the doctors. "He has glass in his stomach! Hand me the tweezers! Hurry up!" I was panicking. We got to the back room and they were getting everything ready. " Ok Eddie, now your arm is bent a weird way so we're going to pop it straighter. It's gonna hurt but it'll be over fast." The doctor told me. "On the count of three. Ready? One..Two..Three!" And he snapped it. "AHHHH!" I screamed.
"It's ok we're done. Now we're gonna wrap it up,ok?" He told me. "Okay." I said with a cracked voice from the pain and Richie still on my mind. We went home and I called bill and everyone else to tell them what happened. They were all surprised and shocked. I could tell they were wanting to cry.
I tried to sleep that night. That was not possible. Bill called in the morning telling me Richie was ok. "Thank fuck!" I said. How was I gonna go see him? Mom would never let me go see him. "Ughh!" I yelled to myself. I wanted to pull out my hair.

My eyes fluttered open as I saw a hospital room. Am I in the hospital? "W-what why am I in here?" I saw Bill in the corner of my eye. "H-hey your awake." He stuttered with a smile. "Why the hell am I in here!?" I asked. I was freaking out. "The last thing I remember was a car coming then everything went black." I explained.
"R-Rich, you were in an accident." Bill told me. "Ed's and his m-mom called 911. He was the one who told us what happened." Bill said. "Where's Eddie?" I asked with concern. "He's h-home. He wants to come see you though." When Bill told me, I was more worried for Eddie. Before everything happened, I still remember him and his mom in the car about to leave to the hospital for him arm.
"Why isn't he here!?" I asked Bill. "H-his mom won't let him c-come." He explained. Fuck! I wanted Eddie here with me! I like Bill and all but I just want Eddie here no one else, just him. How was Eddie supposed to get past his mother though. She already broke his arm. She would probably do something else. My mom came and started to hug me tight. "Oww!" I yelled.
"I'm sorry baby I just was worried sick about you!" She said with her voice cracking. "Um I-I'm gonna go. B-Bye Richie.See you soon." Bill walked out then left."H-How did this happen?" She asked me with a worried tone. "I was riding my bike and a car came out of no where from the corner." I lied to her. Kind of. "H-How did you get here?" She asked another question. "M-My friend saw me and him and his mom called 911." I explained to her. "Oh baby they saved your life." She said crying and holding my hand. "Mom?" I asked. "Yes sweetie?" She replied. "That friend that called..I want to call him and tell him I'm ok but the phones over there. Can you call his house please?" I asked her to do. "Sure honey." She smiled and got up. I told her the number and we waited for an answer. ("H-hello." "Hi,Uhh is this Eddie?" "Yeah um who's this?" "This is Richies Mom. He wanted me to tell you he was ok and he wanted you to come visit." "O-oh umm well I'll try to come thanks for calling." "Your welcome sweetie. Bye bye.") My mom hung up the phone and instantly I asked "What did he say!?" "Well he was gonna try and come ok." Great I wanted him here now. " Richie can I ask you something?" My mom asked. "Uh Yeah." I said. "Why do you want your friend here so bad?" She asked. Fuck! "Well he's a good friend of mine and he saved my life so I want him here." That's all I said. "Oh okay. Well try to sleep. Maybe he'll be here soon." She told me. "Um O-Ok." I actually went to sleep and hoped Eddie would come.

After Richies mom called I just had to go see Richie. I need to find a way to get out of this house. I need an excuse. I paced around my room trying to think of an excuse. "Got it!" I said to myself. "Hey mom." I ran up to her. I'm gonna go to the drugstore to get some things." I lied. "Well just what do u need?" She asked. "Just some medicine for my aches and my refills too." I told her. "Ok don't be long." She said "Ok bye mommy." I ran out the door and got onto my bike and went to the store and get the medicine to make it believable then rushed to the hospital. I asked the lady at the desk what room Richie was in. "206 down the hall and take two rights and it's the third door on your left." She gave me the directions. "Okay thanks." I found the room and knocked. His mom opened the  door and let me in. I saw Richie. I was glad he was ok and he was alive. "He fell asleep but he should be up soon." She told me. "Ok." I smiled at her. "You can sit down if u like." She offered. "Ok thanks." I sat down and me and his mom talked for awhile. "Eddie I just wanted to say, thank you so much. Y-You saved my sons life and I'm very grateful for that." She smiled and she was about to cry. "Mrs.Tozier Richie is a best friend to me and I would do anything for him." I smiled at her. We heard a mumble from Richie "Hey sweetie you awake?" She asked him. "Uh,y-yea." He replied. "Sweetie Eddie came." She smiled at him. After that he nearly bolted into a sitting position. "Hey Rich." I said and smiled. "Well I'll leave you two alone for a while I'm gonna go see what they have in the lounge to eat." Mrs.T told us then she left. As soon as she left I ran up to Richie and hugged him. "OW!" He yelled softly. I didn't realize I hugged him that tight. "Sorry!" I apologized. "No it's ok. H-How were you able to come. What did u tell your mom?" He asked me. "I lied to her and told her I went to the drugstore for some things." I explained to him. "So I can't stay long here but I'm just glad I came." I started to cry a little. A tear came down and Richie wiped it. I looked at him and smiled. "I-I'm just glad your alive." I started to cry. "I'm just glad your hear with me." We both were crying a little. We both leaned in and we kissed. It lasted for at least 10 seconds. Then his mom knocked so we stopped. She came in and we acted like nothing happened. Thank fuck she didn't see.
"I'm sorry I have to go my moms expecting me home." I told them. "Okay thank you again Eddie." His mom told me then hugged me. She smiled at me. "Bye Richie." I waved to him. "Bye Ed's." He smiled then I left. I rushed home and thought of an excuse to say because I took a while. I walked in the house and the first thing my mom asked.. "what took you so long honey?" I lied and said... " There was a long line for some reason." "Oh okay." Surprisingly she believed it. I went to my room and got ready for bed. I fell asleep knowing that Richie was ok and that's the best news I ever heard.

After Eddie left the hospital I was sad he left I wanted him there longer. But the good thing was, I got to see him. It was worth it. Every second we were together was heaven. I wish Eddie was able to come everyday but I know his mom would never allow that. I had cherished every moment we were together today. I just couldn't wait for the day I get out of the place. I could see Eddie maybe everyday. As I was in my thoughts, I heard the phone ring? Who was it? My mom was asleep so I got up and answered it. "Hello?" "Hey Richie." It was Eddie! "Hey Eddie!" I answered back. "So uh I meant to ask you this at the hospital but, how long will you be there?" He asked. "About three more days." I answered back. "Well I wanna see you again but I have to think of ways to get out of my house."
"I know I know. Well would your mom care if you came and saw me?" I asked him. "I-I don't know." I guess I could try and tell her the truth." He said a little nervously. "Ok well can you try tomorrow?" I asked him. "I'll try." He replied. "Ok well goodnight." I told him. "Goodnight." He said then we hung up. I walked back in my bed then fell asleep.

It was the next morning and I remembered what Richie told me. I waited till about 2:30. Then I asked my mom. "Hey mom um c-can I go visit Richie in the hospital I won't be long?" I asked hoping she would say yes. "Sweetie your arm." Ughh. " I was fine yesterday." I tried to convince her. "Fine don't be there long!" She demanded. " I won't." Yesss!!! I got to the hospital and knocked. I heard Richie say come in. "Hey." I noticed his mom wasn't there. "Hey." I smiled.
He motioned me to him and he kissed me! I kissed back. We sat and talked and we hugged in his bed. It was almost and hour so I bolted up got my bag. "I'm sorry I have to go." I told him. "O-Ok." He told me. I waved bye then left. I went home and just slept. I remembered every moment we were together then I fell asleep. I was the happiest I had ever been in my life. And I knew something that was for sure. There was no denying this. I loved Richie Tozier! Those two visits were the best ever! I loved him.

This is the longest story I've ever written! 2,100 words! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this story! And again check out I Fell In Love With A Baddie

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