Chapter 6.

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Later that night the doctor came in. "Hi Richie how you doing?" He asked with a smile. "Good." I replied. "Well I sure you would like to hear some good news huh?" He said. I nodded. "Well your very lucky to have survived and we thought you would be here longer but you get to go home tomorrow!" He said. I was so glad to here that. I was ready to get out of this place! "R-Really? How?" I asked
"Well after your examination earlier today, we saw you were healing good so you don't have to be here anymore." He explained. "Okay that's that's great thanks doc!" I said. "Your welcome but you will have to be in a wheel chair for at least one or two days ok so that means no goin out." He told me. Dammit! "Ok" I said then the doctor left. Well maybe Eddie would come to my house. If he could. A few hours later my friends came in. "Hey Richie." Beverley said. "Hey guys guess what!" I said. "W-What?" Bill asked. "I can go home tomorrow! So can one of  y'all tell Eddie?" I said to them. "That's good! And I'll tell him. Is he home? Stanley said. "Yes and thanks!" I said. "You know Richie u and Eddie became close fast. How'd that happen?" Beverley asked me. Fuck! What the hell was I supposed to say?! "Uh we just started hanging out and we just grew a bond." I lied. "Oh ok." She replied. "Uh well we're gonna go so we'll see you soon." She said. "Bye guys." I waved. I could hear Beverley talking outside the room. "I feel like Richies not telling us the truth?" She said. "W-who knows?" Bill replied.

I wanted Richie out of that place so bad! I wanted to see him so bad. He said he would be in there about three more days,that to long! Who ever did this to him needs to pay for it! Wait,now that I think of it,who did do it? I didn't see a driver in the car. It was like no one was in there and it just came out of no where. Someone I would suspect would be Henry and his gang? But that wasn't Belches car. Were they in another car maybe? What didn't make sense is I didn't see a driver? Then again it happened really fast. I was stressing over this too much.
I decided to go to the place I like when I need to clear my head. The woods. I went to tell my mom that I was going to take a little walk down the woods. She was very hesitant to let me go since I took a long time at "the drug store". She let me go so I just started walking. "Take your pain meds sweetie. Just in case your arm starts to hurt." She reminded me. " Okay." I got my meds and headed off. As I was walking I saw something. It was a person like shape but it didn't look normal.
As I looked closer the image was getting clearer. What The Fuck! As I saw it there was this... clown! I couldn't look at that ugly thing anymore so I ran to the woods. What the hell?! I sat there just trying to get that image out of my head trying to get everything out of my head. I just sat there for awhile and tried to get everything out and zoned the whole world out.

We all walked from the hospital to Eddies house. "W-What do you think R-Richies hiding from u-us?" I asked Beverley. "Well he seemed like he was hiding something. Like it was more than just hanging out that brought them closer together. I don't know maybe he's telling the truth." She explained. "Do you mean like more than a friend ship or something?" Ben asked her. "I feel like maybe it could be but like I said he could be telling the truth." She replied. We walked up to Eddies house and knocked on the door.
His mom answered? "Um, M-Mrs.K is Eddie h-home?" I asked her. "Who are you?" She asked like she didn't want us to know where her son was. "W-Were his fr-friends." I told her. "Mm,well he's in the woods." She said. "Ok thank you Mrs.K." Beverley told her. "Hold on a sec! Oh Ms.Marsh I've heard everything about you and I don't want a girl like you near my son! I don't want any of y'all near him you hear!" Then she slammed the door in our faces. None of that mattered I mean we already knew where Eddie was. Why was he in the woods though? Was she lying about it? "Sh-should we still see if he's in the w-woods?" I asked. "Yeah but why is he in the woods?" Mike asked. "Th-that's what I w-was wondering." I said. We all went down to the woods and we passed the house on neibolt street. "Guys!? What the hell is that?!" Stanley sounded concerned and alarmed yet confused. We all turned to the house. "No not there right there!" That thing was on the side of the house. "W-What is that!" I asked. It gave us a creepy smile. "Where ya goin?" It asked us. "Come join the clown boys and girls." It said. His eyes were all crossed and his smile was terrifying. We all ran away and we could hear that thing laughing. "What was that?!" Stanley asked. He was scared as hell. His eyes were watering.
We were all standing there in panic and we all shrugged. We continued our walk towards the woods looking back and we walked faster. We were all scared that thing would pop up at us again. We were at the woods and we were looking for Eddie then we heard a loud scream that sounded a lot like Eddie.

Be ready for more intense chapters🤪 they will also be a lot longer and hopefully better. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye:) xoxo-Bethany💓

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