Hanging Out With Garroth Part 1

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I heard a loud knock on my door. "Sweetie you only play music when you are nervous about something.....is it a boy?" she asked. "I'm..... Hanging out with Garroth today." I say. "Aww we need to get you a dress! And makeup......." mom said. "Mom I already have on makeup on, I'm only hanging out with him.....its not a date, OK." I say. "OK but can I help with the dress at least?" she said. I let her in, she ran to my closet. "Pure and Colorful..... Nice!" she pulled out a F/C off shoulder shirt with navy blue tights.... It looked good..I guess. I put it on, and let my mom come back in my room, "Your cute in that!" she said. I left my room, and out the door I went. I walk down to the park.

             ~Five minutes later~

I feel warm hands go around me "Hey PC#2!" I heard.
SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER FOR today.... Seeya Kawaï.

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