🌹 chapter 2 - Scott 🌹

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Song: Safe Inside - James Arthur

Scott McCall was probably the first friend you've made in your life. You knew him since childhood and still were close friends with him, so it was clear that you would be sitting next to him during classes.
Just like right now. Although you hated maths it was always fun because Scott was there. He could make you laugh with ease and you loved that. He just was such a fond and loyal person and you could always talk to him when you've been having trouble. "Hey, y/n?", he whispered. "Yes?" You turned the slightest bit to look at him, smiling softly. Scott returned that smile, his head resting on the palm if his hand. "Would you mind being my escort for prom?" Your smile grew a bit wider. "Of course not, Scott." His smile also got bigger as he offered you a bro fist. "Thanks y/n, you're the best." You softly slammed your fist against his, concentrating on the lesson again. 
You couldn't concentrate though because the thought of you and Scott going to prom together made your heart flutter somehow. You've noticed that happening a few times before but you always brushed it off.

As the great day finally arrived you were upstairs in your room, dressing up for later. You had a beautiful long, red dress that hugged your curves perfectly. Your y/hc locks were beautifully graced with a few tiny braids and pearls. You were just putting your heels on as you heard the doorbell, almost stumbling down the stairs on your way to open the front door. As soon as the door flung open, you were greeted by a gently smiling Scott who offered you a bunch of beautiful red and pink roses. "Hey, y/n." You immediately smiled when you looked at him, taking the roses carefully. "Hey Scott. You look really good today." He was wearing an all black suit with a matching red tie; he looked totally gorgeous, you must admit. "You're also very pretty, y/n." You blushed a bit at these words, hiding your now spreading redness behind the roses. "Aww c'mon, don't hide. It's cute~" That made you blush even more, grabbing your jacket and stepping outside your house. You looked around just to see Stiles' jeep standing in your driveway, which you figured Scott borrowed from him for the evening. The two of you got in the car and drove to High School.

As you arrived there, you noticed that some of your friends were already there, what made you smile a bit. You and Scott got out of the car and went inside the big hall, scanning it to find a nice spot to sit at. Soon Scott found something and took you there. He even held a chair back for you and you smiled at him warm heartedly as you sat down. "Thank you, Scott. You're such a gentleman." He smiled too as you said that and he had those super cute laugh lines which you secretly loved. "All for you, y/n." He then sat down to your opposite, some of your friends sitting down beside you as well. All of you had nice conversations going on as Scott stood up some time later and held a hand out to you. "Want to join me for a dance?" You happily agreed and accompanied him to the dance floor. He put his hands to your waist carefully and pulled you close to him, a smile always present on his face. You were a bit flushed by all that tenderness but eventually wrapped your arms around his neck. The music started and you and Scott slowly began moving to the beat. You could feel him watching you all the time, which made you feel a bit nervous again. Scott somehow noticed your nervousness - due to the fact that he still was a werewolf and he could hear your heartbeat - and looked into your eyes with a worried expression. "Is everything alright? Your heart is racing.." "Y-yeah.. it's okay.." You looked into his warm, brown eyes, slightly biting your bottom lip. Scott took a deep breath, still worrying about you as the following lyrics could be heard in the background. "Will you call me to tell me you're alright? 'Cause I worry about you the whole night.." You felt Scott pulling you a bit closer, still looking into your y/ec eyes. "Y/n.. something's wrong, I can tell.. You wouldn't lie to me, would you?" "No, Scott.. it's just.." You sighed desperately. "..Are you nervous because of me..?", he then asked quietly, the concern in his voice noticeable. You lowered your gaze, nodding slowly. Scott pulled you even closer, you could swear you've felt his heart racing just like yours. "Good. Because I am nervous, too. And you're the reason." You tilted your head up to look at him but as soon as you did that, you felt a hand on your cheek and were a bit scared of the sudden contact with Scott's soft lips that now touched yours. It took you a moment to realize what was happening until you finally moved your lips against the alpha's, smiling against him. He then pulled away carefully, capturing your eyes again. "I think I love you y/n..", he whispered and that made you smile like an idiot. "I love you too, Scott. I was so afraid.." "You don't need to be." He hugged you tightly after he spoke those words, the butterflies in your stomach finally giving you a pleasant feeling instead of all that fear you've felt before. Scott's warm embrace calmed you down and you relaxed against his strong torso, hearing him whisper along with the lyrics. "I won't sleep 'til you're safe inside.." You closed your eyes, smiling, finishing off the dance with Scott.
The two of you stayed into each other's arms for the rest of the evening until Scott brought you home, making sure you got inside your house safely.


And that was the end of chapter 2!
Again, I hope you were able to enjoy it. Comments are highly desired to let me know your opinion! 🐺🌹

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