🌹 chapter 7 - Nolan 🌹

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Song: The Cure - Lady Gaga

All you wanted to do was to study for an important test, so you went to the library that - to your bad luck - was completely filled with other students. You let out a gloomy sigh, scanning the room if there's a possible seat for you to learn without ruffle or excitement. Soon you found a spot next to a dirtyblonde boy you recognized oh too well. Nolan. You sighed again and slowly approached him, quietly taking the seat to his opposite. As you put your books onto the table, Nolan winced a bit as he looked at you with wide eyes. "O-oh, it's you, y/n.." "Yeah.. Mind me sitting here?" "No.." He shook his head, taking a glance at your book. "What're you studying for?" "History.." You rolled your eyes in dislike. "What about you?" "Biology." He mimicked your actions, making you chuckle and look into his eyes. "Well, that's not an awful lot better." Nolan started to chuckle as well, locking eyes with you. "No, not really.. anyways, what era is it about?" "Revolutionary War. And you? What's your topic?" "DNA." "Oh yeah, I remember that..." You tapped your pen against your chin. (You were one grade higher than Nolan, so you knew a few things about DNA from last year.) Nolan was still focused on your eyes, not noticing that you asked him something. "Uhm, hello? Earth to Nolan?" He shrugged a bit, instantly blushing and stuttering. "Oh, I-I'm sorry.. What did you just say?" "I wanted to know if you need help with your DNA stuff." "I-It's fine, thank you.." He smiled at you bashfullly, cheeks still red as he glanced down at his book, trying to concentrate on his documents again. You did the same, reading through your things and highlighting the important bits. From time to time you noticed how Nolan peeked at you, immediately blushing and returning his gaze to the books when you caught him. You couldn't help but smile, finding it incredibly adorable how shy he was. "Hey, Nolan?" "Hm?" He gingerly looked up at you again, jaw slightly tensed. "How do I put that.. Do you.. Do you already have a date, like, for prom? I mean it's on Friday, so.." "Oh.. N-no, I don't.. W-why do you ask?" He smiled at you nervously, looking around. "Uhm, I.." You bit your lower lip, a flush beginning to spread across your face. "Would you.. Uhm.." "D-do you want me to be.. your p-prom date?" "Sort of.. I-I mean.. only if you want to, of course.." You smiled just as nervous, avoiding his gaze. "Yeah, I-I would like that..", he finally answered, smile growing wider. "Great! I.. Uhm, I'll give you my number so we can stay in touch..?" "Sure, sounds good." You scribbled your number onto a piece of paper that you handed Nolan afterwards, face flushing red as your hands touched. "I-I gotta go now, my mom's waiting for me.. see ya." "Y-yes, okay.. see ya." You quickly gathered your things and put them into your backpack, waving to Nolan as you left the library and banged into the door, hitting your head and awkwardly running away. 'God, how embarrassing.. Why am I such a dolt sometimes?', you asked yourself as your mom picked you up at the parking lot.

At home, you couldn't stop yourself from thinking about what happened at the library. Normally, you weren't that timid but today? What was that? And most importantly, what would Nolan think about you now? You've had a crush on him all year, but you never had enough guts to tell him. Sure, he was kind of.. weird.. but you liked that about him. You liked how he always started to blush when he got into an awkward situation. You liked how interested in DNA he was and how he would talk about science theories and all those things all day long without it getting boring. But you liked him mostly because he was different.

When Friday finally came, you were already dressed up completely, wearing your favourite dress and waiting for Nolan impatiently. A few minutes later you heard the door bell, rushing down the stairs to open it. "Hey there." Nolan looked at you, a shy smile on his face. "Hey y/n.. Uhm.. Y-you look beautiful.." He blushed as he said that and you did the same, which only got worse when he handed you a bouquet of pure white roses. You carefully took the flowers, breathing in their scent as you looked at them, smiling faintly. You pondered that they were just as pure as Nolan. "Uhm, are you ready?" "Hmm?" You looked at him dreamily. "A-are you ready?", he asked again, face flushing slightly red. "O-oh yes.." You blinked a few times before leaving your house, heading to the High School with Nolan.

The moment you got out of the car at the parking lot, you took Nolan's hand carefully what made him blush again. You were avoiding his gaze, but you felt that he had started to shiver since you were holding his hand. "Nolan..?" "Y-yeah?" "Is everything okay? You're shaking.." "O-oh, yes.. Nevermind." "Hey." You stopped, squeezing his hand a bit. "You can tell me.." "N-no, it's okay.." He looked around nervously, eyes wide. "I-I don't wanna ruin your evening." "You won't, Nolan. C'mon.." You pulled him softly as you began making your way to the lacrosse field to sit down in the stands. As you did that, you glanced over at him, noticing that he kind of looked sad. "Nolan. Tell me already. What's wrong?" He took a deep breath, looking you straight in the eyes. "I don't wanna die, y/n.." Tears started to fill up his eyes as he let go of your hand. "What? W-what do you mean?" "M-Monroe.. She'll kill me if I don't do what she wants me to." Nolan was shuddering more than before, eyes barely hiding the fear behind them. "What do you mean.. she'll kill you..?", you asked carefully, scooting closer to him to comfort him. Nolan then told you everything; about Monroe and the hunters and that they were after Scott and the others. You wrapped your arms around him, trying to calm him down to what he clung to you, still shivering but eventually relaxing the slightest bit. "Why are you so nice to me?", he asked sheepishly. "Because..." You bit your lip, yet another blush spreading across your face. "I like you Nolan. That's why." He then looked up at you, staring into your eyes. "Really?" "Yes Nolan, really." You smiled at him and he returned that smile, still a bit anxious. You took a deep breath before collecting all your courage and leaning towards him slowly, one of your hands finding its way to Nolan's cheek. He immediately got more nervous again, swallowing hard. Suddenly you captured his lips as careful as possible, moving them hesitantly. You smiled against him as he started to move his lips in sync with yours, and the moment you pulled away, both of you were looking in the other's eyes while smiling shyly. "That's way better than prom to be honest..", you stated baldly. "I totally agree." Nolan chuckled, drawing you closer to him. He was now completely relaxed because of you; because of what you did. You snuggled up against each other, enjoying your warm embrace. Sometimes you looked at him, pecking his lips softly and smiling at him, telling him that everything's gonna be alright. He would return that smile, placing soft kisses to your forehead. Eventually time passed by and you began to sing quietly. "If I can't find the cure, I'll fix you with my love..." Nolan closed his eyes, your voice soothing him as he smiled softly. "Does that mean you love me, y/n?" "You better believe it", you chuckled, pecking his cheek delicately. He smiled again, leaning his head against your shoulder. "...I love you too.. I already have for so long now.." "You're too cute Nolan.." You placed another kiss to his cheek before continuing to sing. "..And if you say you're okay, I'm gonna heal you anyway. Promise I'll always be there, promise I'll be the cure.."


Chapter 8, last but one. I hope you like the stories and if so I'd be really glad if you would leave a comment to let me know. Of course you can also tell me if there is any criticism.🐺🌹

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