#2 "Mini-Orientation"

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# Lauv - Paris in the Rain

(Edited Ver. Uploaded At 20/07/19)

Now you may be wondering. What is a mini-orientation? To be honest, it's another excuse for students to drink, get drunk.

The bus ride took way more then what the Google map told me would take, so I had to sprint to make it on time. I had to go to the main building by 3 PM, and I only had 10 minutes to spare.

But the problem was...I had no idea where I was.

I desperately looked around, trying to find a map of some kind. I didn't want to ask someone because I sucked at talking to strangers. But how was I going to find the main building if I didn't ask? I only had 5 minutes left.

I quickly looked around, trying to find someone easy looking to ask. A young-looking student was sitting on a bench with a drink, and I finally gained enough courage to approach him. Relax, Alessia. You aren't trying to get his number. You are just asking directions.

"Um...Excuse me..." I said shyly, not being able to look at the stranger's eye directly. I don't know why but I always became very shy when it came to opposite genders.

The boy-, I guess man since we were in a university, looked up and tilted his head as if to say 'Go on.'

"I was looking for the main building, and I can't seem to find it. Can you tell me where..." I started to speak when the guy just turned his back on me and walked away. Rude much? What was his problem??

I stared at the jerk's retreating back with my mouth open, and soon shook my head, breaking out of it. I seriously didn't have enough time for cussing over some jerk. I managed to grab another stranger and thankfully, she was going the same way.

"So, what's your major?" The girl chirped as she led the way.

"Oh. English Linguistics. What about you?" I asked. I wasn't good at making new friends and was glad that this girl was nice enough to talk to me when she could have just told me the way and left.

"History. We are in the same college!" The girl smiled widely. I smiled back. The girl's smile was really contagious.

"By the way, I didn't get to ask. What's your name? Mine is Alessia, but you can call me Lissy." I said, a feeling of relief rushing towards me as I saw the main building.

"Oh, that's embarrassing. I have been asking you questions when I didn't even know your name! I'm Hannah. Aand...It might sound weird because we just met but, can I have your number? It would be nice to know someone other than my department peers." Hannah said, fumbling with her phone. I laughed and assured her it was fine, tapping away my number on her phone.

"Well, I should be going now. There are designated seats sorted by departments. There's your major! Good Luck." Hannah said, waving goodbye as she went and sat by her peers.

I walked towards my department and looked around trying to find an empty seat. And what do you know? The only seat available was next to the jackass. I scowled as I sat next to him, my eyes set straight on the main stage. I could feel him tense up next to me, glaring. If looks could kill, I would have died a hundred times by now. People were already making friends with each other, talking to their neighbors and because I was stuck next to the jackass, I couldn't talk to anybody. Great. Now I'm stuck as a loner. Bye, Social status.

The mini-orientation was held in two different places. The first part was at the main building, where every newbie of every major was assembled. They rambled about central societies that any major could join ('Great at making various friends!') and some of the societies gave some cool performances, urging us to join.

The second part was the cringe-worthy event that I wanted to pass. After the first part, the various departments all went on their way to start the second part. All the newbies of the English department were all smushed into this one empty classroom, and I have to say that there was no space available. The seniors made us introduce ourselves, and play ice-breaking games. The only thing that those games did was to make the awkwardness grow even more. It was obvious who the seniors liked, and I wasn't one of them. What can I say? I was boring.

After the second part, the seniors wanted to take us to the pub to get to know each other, but I had to be the odd man out. It was already 6 PM and It would be almost 8 when I arrived at the party considering I had to change for something party-ish.

I sighed as I made my way to the bus station. I just felt so uncomfortable. I only made one friend and she wasn't even in my department. Talk about being such a loser. If that Jerk hadn't been sitting next to me, I might have actually talked to some people. Yeah, it was definitely his fault. The main orientation would be held soon, and who knows. Maybe I could make some friends there.


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