#7 "Hangover Cure: Pizza Edition"

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# Lauv - Breathe

(Edited Ver. Uploaded At 20/07/19)

I crept my way downstairs and entered the kitchen. Mom was uncorking the wine bottle like she did every evening when she wasn't working overtime. I didn't know what to quite say to her, but I knew I needed to make the first move.

"Hey," I said, acting like I was looking for a snack in the fridge.

"Hey." Mom said behind me. The sound of wine being poured in the glass was heard while I squirmed in awkwardness. I grabbed an orange from the fridge and sat on the stool near mom. The silence was broken by mom as she let out a sigh, rubbing her face with her spare hand.

"You get why I'm mad at you, right?" Mom asked, taking a drink from her glass. She looked tired with her dark circles showing through.

"Yeah, I should have called you and told you my whereabouts," I said, letting out a sigh myself. It would be no good to argue with her now.

"That's right. Even if I look like I don't care, I do. I couldn't sleep at all last night because I was drawing different scenarios of why my daughter wasn't home yet!" Mom said, looking stressed.

I sighed. "I know. And I'm sorry. I really am." Her job was hectic enough without me adding to her stress level.

Mom let out a sigh as well. "I know you are. You are a good kid. I guess I was kind of disappointed as well because I wanted to celebrate your graduation when you got home. I did want to go to your graduation and I felt sorry that I missed it. But when I arrived home with your favorite ice cream cake, you weren't here."

"I would have loved that. I guess I just felt upset that you couldn't make it. I know you didn't want to go to work but standing alone at the ceremony with no flowers while others did...That kind of hurt." I said, wiping a spare tear that went loose. God damn it. I didn't want to cry.

"Oh, honey." Mom scooted close to me and wiped my tears with her hands. Mom's hands always felt warm while mine was icy cold. Her touch made me cry even harder and soon we were bawling while hugging each other.

"Do we-" I sniffled, "Do we have that cake left?"

Mom grinned as she grabbed a wad of tissue to blow her nose. "Maybe?"

We rushed to the fridge and opened the freezer with excitement. That excitement had crash-landed and went into an early grave as we found the cake missing and only the dirty plate left.

Mom and I stared at each other in a knowing glance. There was only one pig that would pull this kind of stunt. "ALEX!" We yelled; adrenaline pumped with anger. We were very hangry with all the crying done and the no food situation.

Alex came downstairs yawning, scratching his belly. He stopped mid scratch as we caught sight of us. "Wait...were you guys crying? I don't need all that emotional drama today, but thank you for the offer." Alex said, trying to go back to his room. I yanked the hood of his hoodie, half choking him as he tried to go upstairs.

"Stop right there, you pig! You ate my graduation cake!" I screeched, yanking him back to the scene of the crime. The dirty plate was now on the counter, evidence number one. Evidence number two was Alex's love handle.

"It's not my fault you weren't here to eat it. God, mom. You sure do know how to pick out a good cake. Loved the mocha. Next time, I think Tiramisu would be best." Alex said, blowing a chef's kiss at my mother who let out a snicker despite her trying to stay mad. Typical mom.

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