#27 "Ferris Wheel"

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# JBJ - 꽃이야 (My Flower)

(Edited Ver. Uploaded At 19/07/31)

"We suck. We didn't do anything for the past few days. I now know that you hate dry squid, but that doesn't really help with the situation." Josh said, pouting as he drove.

I was sitting right next to Josh in the shotgun. Josh insisted on driving me, saying that it would be beneficial for us both. I didn't really get how it would benefit Josh, but I wasn't going to say no to a free ride.

"Yeah, I know...I've been thinking and...what about an amusement park? I mean It's a classic date route, right?" I said.

"Well, I guess that's not bad. We do have to hand in a report about it till next week..." Josh said.

"It's settled then. You have Fridays off like me, right?" I asked as Josh parked his car in the parking lot.

"Yeah. So what time will I pick you up?" Josh asked.

"How about 8? We can go early and catch all the rides." I said brightly.

"Sure, love." Josh said, smiling down at me as we started to walk to our next class.


"I'm dying." Liza said as she banged her head against the table.

Katy, Ryan, and Liza were sitting with Josh and me in our student cafeteria. Since we shared the same major, our schedules were usually similar too.

"I don't think I learned anything at all." Katy said, poking her lunch.

"I know. I mean that professor is a human Ambien." Ryan said as he yawned.

"It wasn't that bad." I said as everyone stared at me with wary eyes.

"What universe are you from? That was horrible. I can't believe we are stuck with him for an entire semester." Josh groaned.

"Eh. I'm not going to stress over him. We are freshmen. If I avoid getting an F, I'm good." Liza said.

"Touché." Katy said, laughing.

"Hey. Why don't we hang out this Friday? I heard that there's a party then." Ryan said, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Oh...I don't think I can come." I said.

"Yeah. We have a date." Josh said.

The three of them stared at us for a moment. Liza was the first to react.

"I knew it! God, this is great and bad at the same time. Great for you guys, obviously. But now I'm the official third wheel of this party." Liza said, pouting.

"Eh. Pretty much saw it coming." Katy said as Ryan nodded.

I just rolled my eyes. "It's a project for our Modern Social Interactions lecture. We are not really dating."

Liza rolled her eyes. "Yeah. Sure. Wait...You guys date for the lecture? I want to take that class too!"

I laughed. "Be sure to grab it next semester."

Liza grinned. "Oh, I won't forget."

"So, what are you guys planning to do?" Ryan asked as he lifted his fork.

"We are planning to go to an amusement park." Josh said. Katy wolf whistled at that.

"What?" I asked, not getting it.

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