Chapter 1

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I remember that fateful day as if it was yesterday. It was early in the morning, the sun was just peaking over the horizon and there was a line nearly a mile long. They had finally open the doors to buy SAO. Luckily I was towards the front of the line so my buddy Kazuto and I could get some of the first copies. The best part about them was that they came with a free XP bonus so we were already level five if you redeemed the code in game. We finally got our copies and went home. We both decided to log on around 4:00. We met this guy named Klein. He seemed kinda cool. All of a sudden we all just turned into blue particles, our health wasn't going down so we were all just freaking out. It was more or less that we were just out right scared. Then all of a sudden we're in the town of beginnings. Blood poured from the sky from between the hexagons that read "Warning Operator Announcement". Every one else started teleporting in and the creator Akihiko Kayaba told us about the missing log out button and the mirror in our inventory then everyone turned to their actual selves and not their avatars. Soon after people calmed down and worked together to find the boss. They held a meeting and told us to group up so instantly me and Kazuto teamed up and found this one other girl named Asuna. She was wearing a red hood and had an Orangish brown hair color. The next day we raided the boss and tha- that was the day that he died. He died trying to save me and Asuna from a downward strike. After that I used my most powerful move to kill it in one hit. I vowed to beat Sao and beat it I did. It may have taken 2 1/2 years to do, but it was all for Kirito. But today I've decided to forget about the past and move on. Me and Asuna were supposed to meet up later at the park. We were gonna stroll through the town and go eat dinner somewhere. I've always had a crush on Asuna and today was the day. I was gonna ask her to go out with me. I was kinda nervous considering that I didn't know if she liked me or not. It was already 2:00 and I was supposed to be there by 2:30 so I needed to go get or else I was gonna be major late. I quickly got on my motorbike and sped off. Luckily I got there before Asuna so I wasn't late.

Yay first chapter of this "looooong" story if I get 5 votes... absolutely nothing will happen I making more no matter what next episode should be out some time either this weekend or next week

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