Chapter 6

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Just a warning this chapter has explicit content. Don't get mad I warned you. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was already getting late so me and Asuna went to her place. I have no idea why she invited me last minute but I couldn't say no. She is my girlfriend after all. Soon we arrived at her house. This would be the second time I had ever been inside her house. I was curious for what she invited me over so I asked. "Hey what are we gonna do" I asked. "You'll see in a minute" she said seductively. We walked inside and she turned around grabbed my shirt and kissed me. I replied with another kiss. In my mind I didn't understand but I went with it. Then in the flash of an eye everything made since. I knew what she wanted. We went to her rooms during turned out the lights. We went to the bed and kissed continuously. I slowly unbutton her shirt while beginning to kiss her neck. While I was kissing her she in buttoned my shirt and took it off. I began to remove her bra to reveal her chest. Once they were revealed I drew small lines with my fingers making her giggle. "Stop that tickles" she said. I kept going and began to kiss her bust releasing a small moan from every kiss. We both removed the rest of our clothing and enjoyed ourselves. "I want you inside of me...please" she said in between small moans. "Are you sure" I replied. She nodded and I slid the member into place and thrusted slowly. She moaned louder this time. She nodded and I kept going a little faster and faster. I couldn't take it any more. I came inside her. She moaned the loudest yet. I had gotten tired so I pulled the hard member out and began to kiss her to pass time. It was done, our relationship had been reassured. There was no longer any remaining question on our relationship. We were a couple.

Any way if it seem kind of like it was taken for my one shot then your absolutely correct cause it kinda was. I'm not that good at these kinds of things cause I'm a virgin if you couldn't tell. Sorry for wait baseball season is almost over so I should be able to write more.


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