Things I learned in high school (and from various people)

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High school is supposed to be the glory days of life
The highlight of education
The greatest hell hole for teens to be in

1. High school isn't the worst, parents are
2. It doesn't matter who you are because you aren't important, in fact no one really cares about you unless they find you helpful
3. Helpfulness depends on who are you with,
If I'm with my dad, I'm helpful if I'm his brown haired daughter with hopes of being a wife with a husband and some children

With teachers it helps if I am tolerant and get walked over

With my fellow students, it helps to be their punching bag.
Because the one time you break the mould, is when the punches hurt the most

When you're with friends,
You are yourself

4. I am no one, i am not important, being myself is selfish and i need to hide whoever i am supposed to be because I'm wrong
5. I learned that children should love their parents,
That coming home shouldn't feel like a battle
That someone raising their hand to give me a high five shouldn't remind me of bruises on my head,
6. I am lucky to get a girlfriend. I should appreciate her unconditionally
We should want to be together constantly
Her dismissing me with disgust shouldn't be a normalcy
Her jealousy and every text she sends me laced with guilt because no matter what
I can't seem to be who she wants me to be
Her raising her voice shouldn't remind me of the bruise she put on my ribs
The lies I told my father about where it came from
The apology she never said
"It was only one time"
But you weren't the first one.

7. I shouldn't lie to people, unless I have to
Unless someone asks how I am
Unless someone asks how my day was
Unless someone asks me about my father
8. High school isn't the worst hell

I spent my high school learning things I couldn't find in textbooks,
i didn't have it written on a flash card
My daily test was making it to the next day

I spent my high school looking at people I should love and hating them
That sometimes I would forget
I was supposed to be happy
Some of the best years of my life

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