After School

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Like always, I walked home from school and I walked on the very sidewalk of sweet berry drive, it's right near my school and it's great exercise for me. Today was a Friday which was a good day considering the fact that I almost cried when I went outside for lunch, but hey life moves on. Anyways as I listened to my music and walked passed the drug store that always smells like pee when you enter,  I counted to thirty to distract my self from looking in that direction. I count because there's these group of boys that always sit there and taunt innocent girls like me because they get a pleasure out of it so much. Idiots. I walked in the other direction and took the ninety seven route because it's a faster way to get to my house, but my mom has told me not to go that way many of times. She says that's where the predators hang out to get little girls like myself. But that's why I have my pepper spray and switch blade that my dad got me for my birthday, and I felt a little better afterwards. But I'm in a way you could say that I still felt a little uncomfortable.
Once I made it home I made myself a homemade four course meal, with a salad, garlic bread sticks, small banana pudding, and spinach flavored spaghetti. Yum. Mom says that I overdue it sometimes but she doesn't understand that I just love to cook! It's really fun! After dinner I went upstairs and took my bath, and I brushed my teeth and , I combed my hair , and I went to sleep! Yeah I do a lot when I get home, it's a gift really.
I ironed my clothes for tomorrow and made my sack lunch. Nobody else knows this but the school lunch has tons of tiny roaches and I refuse to eat that. I have tried to tell my mother but she didn't believe me until she came to parent teacher conference and ate one by accident. Yeah that's gross...anyways I'm going to bed and I will continue tomorrow and I will slowly explain to you on how I went missing for four  years

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