No Longer A Teenager

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I am no longer sixteen. I am now a woman, a young woman who's been here since she was a child. I am now twenty years old and I'm all alone by my self. Mr minder tortured me  for the next Five years and he didn't care, which was obvious by now that he wasn't going to let me leave.
The door opened and by this time I was moved to another room after Camilla's rotten body was stinking up the room. Camilla passed due to head trauma and I couldn't do anything to save her. All I could remember was me, holding her cold lifeless body in my arms and crying over her. She didn't deserve this. Neither of us did.
Mr minder picked me up and stared at me for a good five minutes, for five years I have been his captive and he's enjoyed touching  me, and hearing me scream from the beatings . I spit in his face and made sure that it was good and filled with mucus. With anger he wrapped his hands around my throat and he started to choke me. "Let go of me"!!! I kicked and I screamed! And I kept kicking so that he could release me from his grasp. I moved my head just a little and saw the old hair pen siting on the dresser, with quick thinking I grabbed it and jabbed him in the face as many times as I could, I kneed him in his stomach and I took off and ran for the door and into the hallway. I continued to run faster and faster along with fact that I still had a non-functioning ankle, as I ran I searched for another light source that I could use to get out of the building and back to the same door that Camilla and I found last time. Once I found it I pushed it down and ran for it..I used my good eye sight that god gave me and looked for the light that I had once before saw, I tripped and fell...when I looked down to see what it was, it was a jewel from Camilla's charm that her mother gave her on her sixteenth birthday. I never told you guys this but before Camilla died she told me about how her mother loved her and how her mother would do anything in the world to protect her from those who try to hurt her. I held back my tears and I started to run again and I made it to the door Camilla and I saw a long time ago and I pushed it open...for the first time in a long time I felt the cold warm air on my face. I ran outside and I closed the door behind me and made sure to block it with something, luckily a big nasty dumpster was there. I ran to the car and screamed to myself "Finally Free".

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