Our Performance Begins

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Y/N Pov

I woke up feeling refreshed after last night's event, it made me smile just remembering how beautiful he made art, I stretched and slowly sat up on my bed, I cracked my neck to release tension and slowly got up, I forgot that I slept with the clothes I wore last night and they smell a bit.

I took a bath then changed into a much more normal attire and made breakfast after grabbing my bag in preparation for school, yes the murderous Jhin they all know is a high schooler with above average grades on each subject except for art and music, I excel in both subject thanks to my experiences, I left the house after a little cat fight I got with my neighbors cat.

Y/N: Damn cat always destroying my beautiful artworks.

I sighed as I arrived at school, many students mostly females looked over my direction and started a debate on who I will draw next, while the male students just want to beat my ass up for being interested on by many women in school, I entered my class and a group of female students approached me.

???: hi Y/N do you have anything planned later this evening if you don't you can join us at a coffee shop you might find interesting.

Y/N:/thinking/ thinking I'll be dumb enough to not see what they're playing at, I would love to but alas I have more art to create.

???: oh, well if anything changes don't be shy coming with us.

Y/N: yes yes, if anything changes I shall notify you Belle.

Belle: bye~

Y/N: such animals are not worthy to be made, they lack drama and art in their style.

I finished the test on my last class and got an early dismissal from my teacher, I directly went to the art club and let my imagination flow like a river, after finishing three paintings I left them to dry and went out after the rest of the club members arrive either in groups or in singles.

As many more students pass by me I saw a girl wearing a medical eyepatch under a tree along with two pale but beautiful girls chatting happily with each other, the one with the eyepatch saw me and nudged both her friends to look at me, I waved at them with a smile and they waved back at me with their own smiles.

I continued walking home and felt three pairs of eyes watching me but I shrugged it off, I got home and prepared dinner while taking out my mask along with my cane and my gun Whisper.

Jess Pov

Me, Clockwork and Bloody Painter took off our disguises after surveying a school that has a few murders within, I wiped the makeup hiding my cheeks since my smile literally covers my face and Clockwork removed her medical eyepatch.

Clockwork: hey, who was that handsome guy?

Jess: that guy that waved at us?

Clockwork: Yeah.

BP: his name is Y/N L/N, a well known artistic man with above average grades on his other classes while having excellent grades on his music and arts, he's also known as the Schools Prodigy Artist.

Jess: did you got that from the girls that kept flocking over you?

BP: nope, I got it after sneaking in the principal's office and took as many files as possible.

I saw Bloody Painter grab her bag and took out a file with the written name Y/N L/N, we read his file and told Slenda and Zalga about our finding, at first they didn't seemed interested until Bloody Painter said something.

BP: he might be connected to that Jhin person, he has almost the same exact build and his height matches.

Slenda: that's interesting.

Curtain Call (Jhin male reader x Fem Creepy Pasta)(Discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora