Poetic Friendship

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Y/N Pov

I feel so inspired after what happened last night, it was so charming to see them all run away in fear, I am currently inside Slenda's Mansion and doing what I do when I am not out creating art which cleaning Whisper, after cleaning Whisper I sat on the couch and drew another rough sketch of that beautiful scene.

I felt someone sit beside me so in slight curiosity I turned around, I seas being stared at with a curious look by Sally, I smiled beneath my mask and hid my small sketch pad and decided to greet her.

Y/N: Hello Sally, have you found a vase to contain the roses?

She smiled happily and ran away, then returning with the flower vase in her small little arms.

Sally: they're lovely, Thank you mister Jhin.

Jhin: oh please, call me Jhin, after all we are playmates.

Sally: uh, Jhin why are you wearing a mask?

This question caught the attention of Eyeless Jackie, Laughing Jill, Bloody Painter and Jess, I thought for a second before replying.

Y/N: hmm, well to be honest, I wear a mask because, once you wear it it becomes a part of you, me and this mask created many works of art and we are inseparable.

Sally: can I see your face then?

Y/N: well you see, behind this mask is another mask.

Sally: but can I please take it off then?

Y/N: well there's no going out of this one, fine you may take off my mask.

Sally smiled and knelt on the couch in order to reach my mask, she used both her hands to remove my mask and she pouted after seeing my face covered by black clothing which only revealed my right eye, she saw my eye and stared at it.

Y/N: is your curiosity satisfied now?

Sally: your a big meanie you know that.

She pouted and I chuckled at her childish action, well she is a child, I took my mask from her small hands and put it back on, I then stood up getting ready to depart.

Y/N: well I thank you all for your hospitality, but my time here has come to an end, but do not fret Sally I shall return and play again with you sometimes, unti-

Before I can finish, a sound of tapping on glass caught my attention, I turned to a window and saw a raven with three sets of glowing red eyes, I smirked under my mask and opened the window, it entered th a mansion and the girls moved away from the Creepy creature, I didn't notice that Sally got up and called for Slenda and Zalga to come see the mysterious bird.

Y/N:hmm? What brings you to come visit me Swain?

They all stared at me thinking that I must own this demonic looking raven, I simply turned around to face them and the Raven replies.

Raven: master Swain has an important message for you Khada Jhin.

Y/N: and that is?

Raven: The Dark Child wishes to see you and will be arriving at your house to stay for a few days.

Y/N: I see, is there anymore you wish to add?

Raven: please refrain from using my name freely, and The Dark Child has already left and will be arriving in a few hours, hurry if you don't want to get her mad.

Y/N: I see, Thank you for your message raven.

I took out a small pouch and grabbed a demonic looking worm with a mouth that is covered in serrated teeth, I fed it to the raven and gave it a small boost out of the window to return to its master.

Curtain Call (Jhin male reader x Fem Creepy Pasta)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now