Day 1 - A letter to your best friend.

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  • Dedicated to AmyNeedsAlife, Paintyourimagination, Creativityistheway

Dear Amy, Chiara & Malia

Okay, I've decided to re-do this since you guys deserve something way better and It honestly sucks. Honestly, I've never been the kind of person that cheesy & mooshy and all. But for you guys, I'll make an exception. Aw yeah, that's right you better feel special - that's a lot coming from me (Ha-ha).

I never pick favorites because I there's too many choices to choose from and it's hard for me to narrow it down, so if I didn't mention you, please don't feel sad (?) because I still (don't) love you guys from the bottom of my heart. But If I am going to pick my best friends, it'll have to be you guys. Honestly, I tend not to choose best friends because I'm not that type of person and every time I get back-stabbed in the end, but I know (Well I hope, not too sure about little Emmy here. Ha-ha, jaykay.) you guys won't... Please lord don't let me jinx it.

I have my reasons why I chose you guys, and it's not out of favoritism - well actually, it is. It's just we've been through more together and I feel like we can understand each other. Like Emmy for example. She and I dislike another thing. Boom, best friend right there (Ain't I right, girl friend?) Ha-ha, but we like a lot of songs that people these days don't even listen to and instead listen to what? Nicki Minaj? (No Offense to people who like her).

Then there's Char - Char (Aka, Chair. Ha-ha). She and I are awesome together, especially in script writing and all. I get her, she gets me. End of story. (Holy, that rhymes man. That rhymes.) Plus, I love her bubbly, not-so-gg attitude and she's just cool like that.

Oh and Me-li-yah. How can I forget? Ha-ha me and her are like this *Crosses two fingers together*. We have like, so much things in common! Starting from the way we eat our muffins to our dream jobs. You wouldn't even think that we're friends let alone have so much things in common.

Anyways, moving on...

First of all, I really would like to thank you guys so much for everything you've did (Or we did together) to me. Yeah some of them were ...not the best, but is okay! Is okay! Ha-ha, well I'm really going to treasure those moments where we all made fun of each other and when I threatened to kill you. Oh remember that time where we laughed?! Oh I remember those too... Horrible, horrible times. Ha-ha, just kidding!

So let me start with Amy. This is another reason why I chose you girls and Malia. (:  Ha-ha, just kidding... (No, I wasn't)

Amy, my little Emmy. Oh where shall I start? First of all, I will continue my quest on to kill you in Camp Jubilee. I shall not fail my partner in crime. So you, double A, be warned my friend. Yes, be warned. (And in the end I get to the the "I REGRET NOTHING!" meme :D ) But yeah sure, I love you and all that. You are my favorite Asian-Negative-Nancy-Simple-Plan-Loving-Camp-Jubilee-Buddy-Hating-The-World-and-Society gal. You are one awesome friend that I am not-so-lucky to have but yeah, I guess your alright. I mean I kind-of lowered my standards when I chose you so... Ha-ha, just kidding! But seriously, you're kind (Not to a lot of people, but that's what I love about you), sweet, artistic and my hopeless romantic buddy. Holler! Also, thank you for showing me the better side of the world.

Oh my little Char - Char, you are just one big bundle of ...something. Yeah, words cannot describe how grateful I am to be your friend. Oh wait here's one, I'm not.

End of story.

Ha-ha, just kidding! But I really am, so thank you. Thank you GG, also I love your script-writing skills my friend. You are a really sweet, kind and understanding person. I love hanging out with you especially whenever we chill or play "Hunger Hunt" and stuff! Bottom line is, you're a great girl and you're really special to me (I goes both ways, don't worry).

Oh Mi-lee-yah boo, Milia, Milia, Milia. First of all you are my favorite white/black/jamaican/aboriginal girl! Yeah well mostly my favorite white person! So take that as a compliment, ha-ha. I love how we have so much things in common and I swear, you made being in Ms.Jackson's class ten thousand times better. You are really fun, awesome, understanding, awesome, funny - looking, awesome and funny. Wait, did I write awesome yet? Guess I didn't, well you. Are. Awesome. Like no joke my little white ...girl.

I love you guys (No homo - well unless you want it to be, Ha-ha!) from the bottom of my heart and I just want to say one more time that I am really lucky that you guys are here, breathing right now. Without all of you losers, I don't know what I'll do with myself. I swear you just made my life better, way better. So once again, thank you. I'll miss you guys, so, so much when we go to highschool...

But then again, we can always make new friends. SEE YOU SUCKERS.



A/N: Okay, I rewrote this stupid thing and I hope it's acceptable. If not, then SUCK IT UP. Wasted my time doing this stupid thing. But yeah, love you guys and all that stuff. I suck at writing these kinds except when I'm ranting/writing about something I truly dislike/hate.

I have great friends to such as Sofia C, Miranda and all, so don't feel left out when you read this 'kay? (: ONCE AGAIN, I SAID DON'T FEEL FREAKING LEFT OUT WHEN YOU READ THIS. GOSH.

Malia - Paintyourimagination

Chiara - Creativityistheway

Amy - AmyNeedsALife

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