Day 4 - A letter to your siblings.

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  • Dedicated to My ugly brothers.

Dear Ace & Marco,

I don't know what happened to you guys. I mean look at you! My face is so awesome while yours... I can't even describe it. Ha-ha. First of all, Ace-big bro, I have no idea why you turned out like ...that. I mean there's nothing wrong with it, it's just that it's so different from us.

But you take advantage of it so I applaud you sir.

Now for the real thing. You are annoying, ugly, annoying, funny (Well, funny-looking), and have I mentioned annoying? Yes, yes you are. I mean what kind of brother sits on top of his own sister (More particularly on her face) and demands to get the iPhone or else he will fart on my face? Yep, you. You are one of a kind. I only follow you because I know you can fart at will. Trust me, it's really horrifying. Been there, done that. Never, ever going back.

Well even though you're all that, I'll also (As much as I'm going to regret writing this) miss you if you were to disappear. I mean who would amuse me whenever I'm bored/mad/pissed/happy/sad? Yeah the Internet, but still? You do that with your really, really weird humour and magic tricks.

Oh and also, you were the one who showed me real, awesome, wonderful music. Alternative, slow, and all those types. So thank you so much for introducing me to Marianas Trench, Simple Plan, Green Day, Linkin Park, Down with Websters, Hinder and all those other bands. It changed me (In a good way, I guess.) So there is some good thing about you. Woop, woop.

We have this weird bond thing where we just get each other by just looking or making hand gestures. Yes, we're-well I'm cool like that. Falalalala.

Now on to my little brother, Marco.

Marco! Polo! Yeah, I know you hate it when people say that. I don't know why, but you do so... Marco! Polo! Ha-ha, jokes. I don't even know why I'm writing this considering you guys won't even bother going on to wattpad, let alone read my stories. But still, I have to do this.

Okay Marco, I know most of the times we don't get along - but that's our thing. Yeah sure we don't get along but we sure do have our moments. Most of them aren't the best that's for sure, but the others are quite nice. So yeah, I wonder what'd you look like when you're 12 (When I'm 18), you better make me proud. YOU HAVE TO BE TALL. That's all I ask for, ha-ha!

But yeah, I love you and all that. Just please, I'm the girl and I get what I want. Sometimes. LOL

So just keep doing your thing and I'll do mine. Stay away from the iPhone kuya. I mean it. By iPhone, I meant both. There's things I do not want you to see. LOL jk, most of them are like book stories and wonderful, wonderful songs.


Your wonderful, amazing, fantastic, better-video-game, scratch that better-at-everything sister, Shenis.

Love you.

Ps. Can't find a single good photo. -_-

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