Day 21 - A letter to someone you judged by first impression.

90 4 2
  • इन्हें समर्पित: Ryan Emmanuel

Deary my best friend Ryan,

Hey you! I know I already apologize to you, but yeah I just want to say that I am really sorry.

To be honest you are really awesome and I guess I was stupid to call you stupid and other things, hahaha. We have a lot of things in common too and I love the conversation we have. Some are really random, while most - actually all of it is really, really amusing!

I never knew you liked those types of things, dude I keep telling you, If you would've told me those things in the first place, I would've been your best friends INSTANTLY! But whatever, we're already BFF, right?! Hahaha! Anyways, you're a really cool guy and not creepy at all. Just keep doing your thing Ryan, it's awesome.



30 Day Letter Challenge (EDITING SLOWLY)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें