Day 12 - A letter to the person you hate the most/caused you a lot of pain

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Oh how I love this one. Sofia C, this is how I feel about that person but I will re-edit this.

Dear you,

   You know who you are. Well If you don't, then you are really stupid. Wait, scratch that. You are stupid. I don't even know why I still bother to talk to you. Or even look at you!

   Well I hate you. I hate you so much that you won't even believe it. Ha-ha, no I do not dislike you. I just hate you. You disgust me in so many ways and I honestly think that you're not worthy to even live. Harsh I know, but hey. That's my opinion.

   You might want to know why I hate you, well here are the reasons why. I started hating you the second week I met you. Yeah you're that horrible. You are backstabbing liar who's too full of yourself and you think that everything has to revolve around you.

   You act so stupid just to gain attention - in fact yeah, you're one of the biggest attention wh*re I have ever met. It's not a compliment, sweetie. I don't get why you try so hard to fit in. You're a freakin' hypocrite. I remember you saying you hated them so, so much and I couldn't help but agree.

   But once I started liking them along with some friends, the very next day you started liking them? What the heck! You're such an attention wannabe. It made me want to strangle you and trust me, it took all of my will-power to stop myself.

   Okay, moving on. You are so annoying in so many ways. Just by the way you dress, for starters. When we make the tinniest comment, you make such a freakin' big deal about it. You scream, you pout, you throw a tantrum for crying out loud! After that, you go to random people and start rumours and gossips about them.

   Speaking of which, you start such nonsense rumours about other people. You take all their secrets they trusted you with and tell everyone. Not only that, you twist them around and start a brand-new rumour about them that's a complete lie.

   Stop being so fake. It's freaking annoying. I know what you've been saying about me behind my back. I'm the annoying one? Dude, have you seen yourself? I'm sorry but if that doesn't scream stupid, annoying, ugly troll, this world is messed up.

   Why do you also talk to people behind their back, when they're right beside you? It's stupid like you and your face! I mean what's up with your face. It's demented, I'm not kidding. I'm sorry if this is mean and all, but I'm venting out. If you are reading this, yes everyone thinks of you like this.

They just took a year to realize that you are that kind of person. Lucky me to realize it a week after I met you. Holler.

   Oh and honey, If you're trying to fit in and all; at least do it without making a fool out of yourself (Which I know is impossible to do).

I'm sorry If I haven't written enough. I really rushed this 'cause I have to play my video-games. But trust me, sweetie. I will edit this and once I do, this will be a million times worse.

Have a nice day!


"The annoying loser"


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