Day 24 - A letter to someone who gave you your favorite memory

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Updated Holler.

Dear Cabin 4eva (Camp Jubilee Session 3 [Amy, Ayden, Nicole, Cassidy, Chanel, Shivica, Devin, Krista & Sammy])

Honestly, this is my best memory yet (Considering I just literally came back from Camp). You guys made it so much fun! I love our late-night conversations, our "plans", truth or dares, would you rather's and so much more! You guys made camp so, so much better.

Oh and of course there's our Brother-Cabin but THAT'S a whole 'nother story. Desperate losers. Ugh, unworthy to be mentioned. Bahaha, but I like my "best-friends". Yes I did start that thing - even in school! So all creds go to moi. Holla (Rhymes too).

I love Devin - who wouldn't?! I mean she's the most awesomest Junior Councillor I have ever met (Well dur.). She's so cool in so many ways. Too cool actually, and she lets us do whatever we want. I mean how awesome is that?

Ha-ha, skipping a bunch of people here... Overall, I just loved it. It's so much fun. You guys I'm going to miss you so much! But dw, we'll stay in touch ;) The power of the internet. Hallelujah! Ha-ha, well girl friends, Ima TTYL. So xoxo ;)


The awesomest Cabin-mate, Shenis.

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