The demon

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He was there that night.
I heard his howls
And when I tried to fight him away, he had growled so loud.
It still rings my ears if I'm ever so silent.
It was the scariest he'd ever been, he had been so violent.
They said,"You need to get over it! It's all in your head!"
But they were not there when he crawled under my bed.
"I will never let go." He had whispered to me that night.
I cried, I thrashed but his grip on my mind had been so tight.
The next day, I was determined to finally end it all.
He would never get to me again
I would never be his doll to play
But then he came through the door that day.
And in that second I knew...
He was the light to my darkness
My smile was real that day... when he made that joke.
I was happy once again, he was my ray of hope.
But the monster inside
Was just in hide
He would come out again at night.
I never wanted the day to end
But the night was inevitable to begin
But that night, he was not torturous
The look in his eye was not murderous
He just told me what my life was about
And when he threw my back to reality and filled my mind with doubt
All I could ask was...
Would my light be there at night?

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