It's All Her Fault

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"I love you" she said
And he believed her.
It made him the happiest man ever.
It made them believe their love was forever.
But then came the day which he expected never.
When she said those words of love to another
Devastated, he mourned for his love
He longed for her words, he longed for her touch.
He didn't blame himself for what had been done.
That she longed for someone else, that she longed for fun.
Was he that much of a pain?
Was it all in vain?
"It all came crashing that day" to himself he thought.
"It was the day I raised my hands on her, the day we fought."
NO! It couldn't be his fault. HE was the victim here.
Only he was suffering. Only he was in pain.
But soon enough, all the lies were washed out in the untimely rain.
"NO! I was only angered because she talked to another man.
So what if he was her boss?
The lines shall not be crossed.
How dare she meet him outside the office?
I don't care if it was only a coincidence.  That's beside the topic.
It was her fault. She deserved that punch in the gut.
It was her fault I bruised her eye, she should've kept her mouth shut.
It's her fault she died that day.
She was the one who made the cut.
It's her fault I'm broken today.
It's her fault. It's All Her Fault."

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