Dear my moon

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Dear moon,
Remember the first time we were acquainted? We were sitting on our terrace and my mother had just told me that we were all the children of the sun and sunshine was our ray of hope. But I being the 12 year old rebel I was, found solace in the calm, isolated, you. Soon I realised that, while sunshine radiated happiness and energy for my friends to enjoy, you showered me with the kindness of your quiet, and whenever I sat down on the floor of that small terrace, looking up at the mesmerizing night sky, the twinkling stars asked about my day. But my eyes were always fixated on you, trying to solve the mystery they called the moon.
Although the dark sky brought me serenity. My brother never liked the nights for they would bring back memories he'd rather forget, his big round eyes searching for their lost innocence in the sunshine. Not wanting his sister to stay around such a scary sight, he nagged for me to go to sleep sooner, reminding me that I had school the next day. I passed him a smile, assuring him that I was safe under your gaze as I sat on the balcony having my late night chai and looked at you, wishing that you'd look back.
It seemed to me as if you had all the answers hidden in you somewhere. That, if I could just get you to look back at me once, just this once. I would no longer be in perplexity of myself. I would finally find my peace. But as I got closer to solving your puzzle it seemed as if you entangled me within yourself. I was no longer getting closer to you, but instead, getting further away from myself. You hid behind your tranquil persona and trapped me into your ugly craters. But, I waited. I waited for you to answer my questions. The long letters I sent to you spoke through my eyes as my brain began to wonder, would sunshine do this to me too?

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