The Demon in Disguise

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Were you really my light?
Or just a spark of hope the demon sent to keep me alive?
Did you really mean it when you said
"It's all over now. The demon is dead."
Or was it just another one of your jokes?
Was it you who told me to break my walls?
So that I could see the light when I stood awoke
Or was it the demon who was just too lazy to crawl
I still remember the day you walked into my life
All I could see were the flowers, I couldn't see the knife
When you told me not to cry that day
The day I couldn't keep my emotions at bay.
You held my hand and you told me
That in my lows you'd be there to hold me
I thought you were an angel meant to send me on the path that was right
But to my surprise
You were the demon in disguise.

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