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Hello new journal. My names Mason Hernandez. I'm deaf. I can still write, yes, I'm not blind. You may ask me, "why haven't you had surgery, or maybe hearing aids". Lemme tell you, I can't. I don't have ear drums, I mean, I do, but not working ones. Your ear drums are supposed to vibrate, causing the sounds to be sent to your brain and comprehend that it's a sound. My ear drums don't vibrate, which doctors still don't know why. They've done multiple surgeries on them, which has made my ears even worse.
I've graduated high school, and I have a job as a house designer. I don't need hearing to design homes. My wife, Elaina, is also deaf. She was lucky enough to get hearing aids that work.
Anyway, that's basically all for now. My next hearing appointment is tomorrow so I'll keep you in check.

-Mason Hernandez

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