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   I went to my first hearing appointment of the year today. Every time I go, they have to test me to see if I can hear. Of course, I couldn't, but the nurse could definitely tell something was wrong. Is asked what happened and he signed that every time the noise went through the head phones, my hand would twitch a little.  He tested a really loud noise, and it moved a lot. He called the doctor in and signed to me saying that my ear drums were miraculously responding to the vibrations of the sound, making my hand twitch! My ear drums were working! The reason why I couldn't hear anything is because the ear drum was so swollen. The doctor signed to me that I would soon have to get the surgery to heal them, which could take weeks to wait for. I left the doctors office with Elaina and signed her everything. I have a chance of redemption!

-Mason Hernandez

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