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   When I woke up this morning I prepared my speech for later today. What I got was this,

   Martin Luther King Jr. once said the incredible words "I have a dream." Well today, I have an idea. An idea that is bound to help us win our Land back. The OCE has their capitol in D.C. so if we send you all to D.C. to overthrow the capitol, the capitol has to be moved. The OCE are going to move it either to NYC or LA. If we split the army in half, one half to NYC and the other to LA, we can overthrow NYC and take back the east coast. Then that half in NYC will move to LA and capture Nelson. We can take back the west and east coast and move all OCE away from America! Who believes this plan is bound to help us win! Let's give it up for the Sons Of Liberty!

I planed to sign all of that at the Treyard Base Camp with Elaina translating everything. When I got to the base, over 5,000 volunteers in the SOL were there. Liam had gathered 5,000 random people, ready to put their life on the line for a better future. I stood on that stage waiting for Elaina to get ready. I was super nervous, wondering what could happen if the crowd doesn't like my speech. I signaled Elaina that I was ready. While the speech was going on, everyone was listening, every time Elaina had said something, everyone had a reaction. At the end, everyone cheered. It's not like I could hear it, but I saw everyone. They have hope, they had a chance of redemption. The speech ended and it was all over the news. I had become a public figure by just sparking hope into people. "Mason Hernandez, a deaf advocate for the SOL, has sparked hope into volunteers in the SOL."

-Mason Hernandez

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