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Elaina and I decided to go to the hospital this morning. It wasn't because of my hearing, it was because of her. She had been throwing up constantly and her energy was quickly depleting. She said that she had eaten eggs the day that her sickness started. We thought that it may have been food poisoning, so we drove to the hospital.
When we got there, we checked in with Elaina's doctor. Elaina started to explain what had been happening in the past couple days. The doctor asked us a bunch of questions, what had she eaten, has she left the country the last two weeks, etc. Eventually, the doctor asked Elaina to pee in a cup to see if she had any digestion problems. Elaina and the doctor left the room, and I was left all alone. While sitting there, I looked at my phone, watching multiple videos on how to read lips. I had been practicing this for years, maybe even since I was 10. It's the only way I'm able to tell what people are saying to Elaina or anyone else I know. When Elaina got back, she had signed to me that the doctor went to the lab to test her urine. I was super worried for her, holding her hand the whole time. The doctor came back and said that she had signs of dehydration, but still wanted to test her urine. We left the hospital, and drove back home. Elaina decided to drink lots of water, and I didn't blame her. The worst part was that every hour she would have to get out of bed and pee, and she'd wake me up every. Single. Time.

-Mason Hernandez

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