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   The doctors have clarified the date for my surgery. March 22, 2018! It's a long time away, but I'm glad it's still happening! Elaina talked to my Doctor, Dr. Taya. She said the surgery would be very expensive and it could lead down many different routes. One ear could be healed, it could have no effect, or even I could die from the nerves in my brain reacting to the surgery, causing an ultimate shutdown. I don't care, all I want is a chance. You know those moments where you feel like you have a chance to start anew? I feel like a chance is like a bird. How when it's born, and it's mother leaves it's nest, it's expected to fly. When they jump, they have two outcomes. Flying, and dying. They take a risk and the chances of them dying are very high, but most of the time, they fly. They were blessed with a chance, and so am I.

-Mason Hernandez

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