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   Apparently, there has been news of this new rebellion in D.C. There has been this huge war in congress for what a "perfect person" is like. A man named Reyold Nelson "invented" the religion. Basically anyone who wants to survive must follow some religion called "Congressional Orthodox". They worship multiple gods who "created America from the bottom up". People are dying in Maryland and Virginia that don't listen to Nelsons word. It's spreading around the U.S. It's heading down the East Coast, including us. They also reached California maybe December-ish. I really hope my baby girl or boy won't have to grow up in a time of war.
   This "war" is almost like WWII. Nelson and his followers want to change the United States of America into the Orthodox Congressional Empire (or OCE for short). The idea of Congressional Orthodox is spreading across the US. The main leader, Reyold Nelson, overthrew our government and created a huge army.
   The rebellion against the first rebellion (kinda weird, huh) named "The Sons Of Liberty" just like the rebellion in the American Revolution, are trying to take over Nelson. One of the leaders of the revolution, Liam Kupe, is barley out of High school, but is an amazing leader. He's got an army of 1,000 people, trying to save everyone. The last battle they had was in Baltimore city, which is apparently where Liam gained his name. He saved over 5,000 inhabitants of Baltimore by driving around the streets, screaming that the OCE were coming and hacking the cellphone towers sending alerts to people. He's like the Paul Revere of the century, but in a automobile.
   I really hope this doesn't interfere with my surgery. Elaina wants to leave the country right after the surgery, maybe to Australia.

   -Mason Hernandez

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