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Over 150 men from our city have left to join the SOL. I wish I could join them, but, I can hear anything. That's what I'm most worried about. What if someone breaks into our house and I can't hear them. What is someone hurts Elaina. I can't do anything.
I haven't had many home design offers in a while. Everyone's worried about the war and not the way their house looks. Elaina has had less and less morning sickness, which is great. She still likes the name Taylor, but I keep on trying to change her mind. She doesn't understand that if she names her Taylor and her middle name Elaina after her, her monogram, if she got one, would be THE (I know too much about monograms since I've seen them in almost every house I've designed). I think it's hilarious, but she thinks that that it's immature. I love Elaina. She's an amazing person, but she may need some more Language lessons. ;)

-Mason Hernandez

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