The Host ONE SHOT #1

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     "Come on..." He muttered under his breath as he finished the writing, but nothing happened... "FUCK!" He yelled loudly as he hit his fists on the desk with anger. Why isn't it working, everything he writes happens! That's his gift! "WHY ISN'T IT FUCKING WORKING?!"

     The Author always had anger issues and he gets angry very easily and right now, his gift isn't working and that could get him killed.

I tried.

I tried.

I really, really tried.

     But it didn't work, it's not working, why isn't it working? He suddenly threw his notebook at the wall in frustration! He put his hands on his desk and breathed heavily trying to catch his breath and calm down.

     Suddenly the door swung open behind him, the Author looked up in fright...

He's here, shit

     The Author turned around to see the man he was dealing with his red and white striped suit was clear but he didn't have his hat on, so his raven black hair was clear and of course his mustache...

     Usually, the Author was very controlling and he felt like this guy was controlling him and he hated it with every fiber of his being... But this guy had some kind of force on him and the Author was not strong enough to fight him, he needed to get stronger...

     "H-hey!" The Author studdered with fear, he had no idea how this guy was gonna react to the news, "I tried my best, I promise. I couldn't alter anything for some reason!"

     "Author..." He seemed calm but the Author could tell he wasn't, "what good are you if you can't even comply to my needs?"

     Suddenly the guy pulled his silver gun!

     The Author didn't like guns, his brain flashed with the memory of him being shot by those two guys and he put his hand up desperate to try to keep his life as this gun was pointed at his face!

     "C-Calm down! No need to get violent-"

      The man chuckled, craziness laced in his laugh, "everything needs to be a bit violent with me or who would obey my will?" he asked.

      The Author stared at him with fear and confusion...

This guy was definitely crazy, I didn't even know his name, I wish I did, I could use it to my advantage...

What does he want with me? I'm not a good team player nor a good follower...

     "Now answer me this," the man said with a smirk, "do you love your eyes?"

      The Author looked at him with confusion, "what kind of question is that? Of course, I love my eye-" suddenly the gun went off twice sending the Author onto the ground!

      Slowly what happened came to him as where his eyes once were bleeding and horrible pain as he held both spots with pain and sorrow... His eyes... His beautiful eyes... Are gone.

      "And you have the audacity to question me... Do you know who you're talking to?" he took a pause, then he laughed, "oh right, you don't know do you? Whatever..." he looked down at the Author who was holding his bleeding eyes, "don't worry you won't die. No one does, except my friends: Damien and Celine. I said to bring them back and you failed. You failed to save them!"

      The Author started to reach around, trying to reach his pen that was on the ground, "I have to... Fix... This... I did- I did all I could..." he couldn't get the words out, then he heard the Man pick it up, "no... Please."

     "I don't think so, Author," the man spoke, "you know what to write with."

      The Author knew what he meant and slowly touched the blood pooling down from his eyes and started to write on the ground... The Man was only paying attention to the Author's suffering and not what he was writing so he could do this...

For I cannot see, my gift shall mutate
It will change into a telepathic sense; when I use it, I can see and I will be more powerful than ever before.

      Slowly he was done as he wrote the period he felt things change inside of him, the Man watched as the Author's outer appearance did not change but he could sense something had changed in the man infront of him.

     His powers started immediately and he could see into the man in front of him's mind and he found out everything...

     "Wilford Wafstache..." The Author spoke, "or should I call you William."

     Wilford froze at his old name as the Author pulled himself to his feet, "h-how?"

      "I am more powerful than you could EVER imagine and you allowed me to just become even more powerful..." The Author laughed, "but you did something greater, you made me want revenge. You took my eyes and I will not forget that. I will get my revenge I swear it..." he slowly tilted his head deciding to test out his new abilities, "when you're around me, you will be burdened by the thoughts of your dear friend's deaths."

     Wilford backed up, tears falling as being in the mere presence of him, he remembered the pain of his friends more horribly just like he said. He thought that it was what he wrote that happened not what he says... He made a horrible mistake. Wilford turned on his heel and left.

     Finally, the Author fell to the ground and held his face again in pain, some of his eyes were still there and his eyelid was still intact and it was irritating him... He suddenly started to claw at it and soon his eyelids were gone and he was bleeding more and he started to dig into his eye socket and ripped out the piece of his eyes that was still there. He threw them on the ground and he was in so much pain...

     The Author pulled himself to his feet and found a cloth on his desk, he wrapped it around his eyes and soon the white cloth bled through but he didn't care, he breathed as he slowly backed against the wall and slid to the ground... What is happening to him? He didn't feel like an Author anymore... More of a... A Host.

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