Bim Trimmer & Yandereplier PART 1

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     Bim was always probably most odd of all of Markiplier's egos.

     Why this was actually is interesting, as Mark has so many egos that somethings some very crazy egos get made and that was why Doctor Iplier got Darkiplier and Wilford Wafstache to agree to make somewhere to lock those crazy egos up...

     So they did, it was a hospital of sorts that was controlled by Doctor Iplier who also got help from the Night Guard (King Of FNAF) for security and the Jim Twins give him a hand once a while since they don't seem to fit in with the other egos and this set up actually worked out very well. When Bim Trimmer became an ego he almost ended up there but Wilford had pointed out that Bim wasn't crazy he was just odd. Which was very lucky for Bim in that situation.

      It was also odd that Bim was not just the oddest but also the most innocent, as he had never actually hurt or murdered someone before unlike the other Egos. He never saw the joy in it, he actually likes being who he is: Just an ordinary Game Host.

     Being the bubbly jumpy Ego of Mark's he actually puts in a lot inside of Mark's videos without Mark actually knowing. Of course, the fans don't realize but he doesn't really care as long as puts in some work.

       "And I think that ends this meeting, see all of you in a month!" Wilford told them as he ended another monthly meeting.

      As Egos left, Bim waited behind and finally saw Doctor Iplier start for the door and he caught up with him, "Hey Doc!" he said with enthusiasm.

      "Hello Bim," Doctor Iplier greeted as the two walked side by side, "is there something you need?"

      Bim smiled widely, "actually, I was wondering if I could come to your Hospital for a visit," he told him.

      This made the Doctor stop and look at him, "excuse me if I'm a bit confused, but why would you want to go there with me?"

      "Well, I just want to check it out," Bim said smiling still, "I never seen it and I would like to and also I almost ended up there so I kinda wanna see what it's about."

       Doctor Iplier crossed his arms, "it isn't an Amusement Park, Trimmer, its pretty much a Mental Hospital for Mark's craziest egos."

     "I know that, trust me, I know that," Bim stopped smiling for a second as he gulped, "it's just I have been having these dreams that I actually ended up there and went crazy from being there and met someone who was really bad and-"

      The Doctor cut him off, "why didn't you tell me about these dreams? Those could be very serious!"

     "I don't know!" Bim threw his arms in the air in exaggeration, "I guess I thought maybe I could handle them and maybe seeing the Hospital would stop them."

     Doctor Iplier then sighed as he nodded, "you can come, I'll let you look around the Hospital but no going into any rooms and I want to give you a checkup just in case, got it?"

      "Got it!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

     The travel to the hospital kind of made Bim a bit light headed but he quickly got over it, he straightened out his suit as he looked around... So this was the Mind Hospital, Doctor Iplier pulled him into a room and forced him to sit on a bed. 

      "So..." Bim acted happy and upbeat but he was nervous on the inside, "I'm not getting admitted today... Right?"

     Doctor Iplier put on some gloves as he spoke, "not if there isn't anything wrong, if there is, I might have to," he saw the panic on Bim's face, "don't worry, you are probably the most harmless out of all of Mark's egos."

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