Bim Trimmer & Yandereplier PART 2

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     The usual schedule for Bim Trimmer went with him putting some of his personality into Mark for his videos but he couldn't risk him accidentally putting him in Mark's videos so he stepped back from his duties for once in his life.

      Bim hadn't spoken to anyone since it happened, its only been a day but it felt like forever for him. That was when his watch started to go off...

     "Shit," Bim cursed, "I forgot about that."

       You see Wilford Warfstache wanted to talk to the other egos, which was strange but some of the egos actually agreed and so they made a time where everyone gets together and sits in a group and drinks coffee or tea or whatever drink of your choice and talks. 

       Usually, Bim was the most energetic out of the other Egos, if he goes today, he won't be and they will see that as suspicious but... It also really suspicious if Bim misses this. Ugh, he has to go...

       Bim straightened his suit and his glasses whilst looking in the mirror trying to look like everything was fine, he fakely smiled brightly like he used to be before but he felt Yandereplier in his head and it was messing with him... 

       "You can do this," Bim told himself as he left his room.

        As he entered the control room which was where they're usual group hangouts are at, he was the last one there which was already odd but he didn't care, he could make an easy excuse, he sat down whilst saying, "sorry I'm late, I was fixing my hair."

       Some of the egos rolled their eyes but some didn't do anything, Wilford just laughed, "at least your here, Trimmer."

      Bim just nodded crossing his arms, he slowly looked around at the group, it was an interesting group for sure:

     Wilford Warfstache who came up with the idea, Doctor Iplier was one of the first to agree and always has a second chair next to him just in case one of the Jims wanna join him or the Night Guard but Bim saw his chair empty and got nervous. Googleplier decided to join for some unknown reason, he was there sitting there looking bored or annoyed, Bim couldn't tell which. The Host who joined because he was bored, literally he told Doctor Iplier that was the reason and that used to be funny to Bim but now he was nervous since the Host had telepathic abilities. And lastly there is always a chair for Darkiplier but he never comes.

       The group was unusually silent, usually, people start talking by now but no one was which Bim thought was strange, why aren't they talking?

      "Trimmer," Wilford broke the silence making Bim look at him, "is something wrong?"

      Bim got nervous but made it look like he was confused instead, "what? Why would anything be wrong?"

       "Because you're the usually the one who begins talking with your annoying rambling about whatever you added to Mark's videos today or something with your hair," Google spoke up.

    Bim laughed nervously, "well I didn't add anything to Mark's videos today so, I guess I had nothing to talk about?" he was always a bad liar, he wanted to smack himself for this.

      The Host was looking at him, Bim could feel his nonexsistant eyes on him and it made him shift uncomfortably in his seat. Wilford put his hands up, "why didn't you add anything to Mark's videos? That's unusual for you, Trimmer."

      Bim was going to make up another lie but then he felt some kind emotion he never had before, "when did you get all serious, Warfsatche?" he snapped at him and everyone was in shock especially Willford who's jaw dropped.

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