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I woke up to quiet chatter coming from next to me, near where I was laying. Opening my eyes I saw the white ceiling of the hospital wing; for a moment I forgot the reason why I was here before I remembered I had gotten into a fight Weasley had started. I wondered who had dragged Weasley away from me after he had kicked me. Looking around I saw it was Mcgonagall, madam Pomfrey, Dumbledore, and Potter talking. I tried moving into a sit up position but groaned as my head objected, pounding and giving me a major headache, along with my side's feeling tense and back stinging a little bit. My head hurt the worst out of everything that hurt though, Weasley had gotten me good, but I would make sure I had gotten him better.

The quiet talking stopped when I groaned and I opened my eyes again to see an infuriated Pomfrey, an annoyed Mcgonagall, and a worried Dumbledore along with a awkward but tense looking Potter. I heard a tsk, looking over I saw Pomfrey grab some potions for me to drink. "Honestly," she started, shaking her head, looking at me strictly. "What do you get out of fighting? I mean, look at you, was hitting Ronald Weasley really worth it?"

"He's the one who hit me first." I scowled, then looked around the room, noticing all the beds were empty. "Where's Weasel? I got him pretty good too."

"He was in here earlier." It was Potter who spoke this time and I looked over to him, glaring. He glared at me right back.

"I wasn't asking you." I snapped, looking back at Pomfrey expecting her to answer my question so I was surprised when she shoved a potion down my throat with more force than necessary. I glared at her and started coughing once I had drank all of it. It tasted horrible.

"As Potter was saying, he was in here earlier but you were asleep for so long we had him leave when he was fine again." I looked at Mcgonagall, who had answered the question. She was standing stiffly, staring at me with narrowed eyes and thin lips. It was obvious no one in here liked me very much, but I didn't care. Who needed them? I sure didn't need them. I didn't need anyone.

"If Ron already left then why is Potter here?" It came out more snappy than I meant it.

"Because," Harry started, frowning at me, "I had to tell them what happened between you two." He gestured to all three adults in the room with us. "I had to tell them how you started the fight by making fun of his fam--"

"No, you started the fight by running into me. You weren't watching where you were going so this all happened because you were too clumsy and weren't paying attention, probably feeling like you were above paying attention to your surroundings, that you were better than anything that was in your path. Well, let me tell you something Potter, you can try all you want to blame all your problems on me, on someone else, but it's your fault, just like how it's your fault your parents died, as did your godfather Sirius. So stop blaming me and start owning up to your problems." I spat out, everyone stared at me with wide eyes, and I glared at them all. Harry was staring at me, furious. He grabbed his wand out of his pocket, looking like he wanted to curse me, or kill me, either way he looked like a pissed off beast.

"Do it." I snarled. "Curse me, or better yet, kill me right here as you did Sirius." Harry let out a shout of anger and stomped toward me, ignoring Mcgonagall when she told him to stay back, away from me.

"Don't you dare." He was so angry, he was whispering. "Don't you dare say it was my fault that Sirius or my parents died, don't you dare pretend to understand anything about me. Your the one who makes people's lives horrible just by existing, everything would be a lot better to you just left for good."

"Oh you would like that wouldn't you, Potter? If I went and killed myself? Well, why don't you do the honor, it wouldn't be your first time killing someone." Me and Harry glared at eachother, faces so close our noses were touching.

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