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I don't know how long I sat there; seconds, minutes, hours, all I know is that I didn't want my father to wake up. I didn't want to know what he had been trying to do to me, or why he had been trying to do it. I was scared, I was scared of this war, of my father, of getting caught up in everything, and of myself. What was I going to do once Potter lost interest of helping me? What then? Do I just go back to my normal life? That was impossible, now with my dad trying to kidnap me...I shook my head violently, I shouldn't be thinking of Potter at this moment, or at any moment really.

"Renneravate." I whispered, pointing my wand at my father. My father blearily opened his eyes, shifting. His cold eyes landed on my scared ones, my wand was still pointing at him, my hand shaking. "Why?" I asked, feeling hurt. I knew my dad didn't like me but him trying to physically attack me and take me somewhere whilst I was passed out, it just hurt.

My father sniffed, annoyed, "I was trying to take you to the cell under my room, to do the ritual to disown you and unlink my magic with yours." I dropped my wand, feeling shaky, putting my hand to my face, trying not to cry.

Wow, that hurt. It's one thing being disowned and not having a last name anymore, as well as having no access to the money in your Gringotts account and can never see either parents but unlinking your kids magic with yours in the wizarding world was horrible. There was a ritual only the parents could do to unlink their magic with their kids, and it was painful, the cruciatus cures was nothing compared to having your own family blood literally being ripped out of you, along with your name, making you a nobody, it was only a little bit better than being kissed by a dementor. It could be more than just a little possible to die also, so, it was great to know my father cared for me so little he didn't mind killing me.

"I'm your only heir." I hissed, anger rushing through me, making my breathing coming out in pants. My father smirked.

"I'll get a new one."

"Ugh!" I threw a curse at him, my anger finally getting the best of me. All this time I had been trying to control it, trying to control my emotions, trying to control my life, well fuck it. Maybe I didn't want to control it, maybe I didn't want to be controlled. My father easily blocked it, jumping to his feet elegantly and grabbing his wand out, pointing it at me. I jumped to my feet too.

"Oh, so you're finally fighting me, huh?" I threw another curse at him, rebounding from a shield he created and hitting me in the stomach making me shout out in pain.

"I never fought with you!" I shouted, throwing another curse again despite having my stomach where the curse got me burning. "I did everything for you, I let you control my life!" I was screaming now, not caring that people may be hear me or how loud I was being, not caring about my pride. What pride? It was gone, or maybe I never had any to began with. All the times I suffered, all the times I hurt myself just to do what my dad wanted, it was all worthless in the end. Every. Single. Part. Of. It. I was worthless too then, so worthless my own family didn't want me as their family, so worthless I had no friends, so worthless I was standing in the halls crying over someone who I knew didn't ever care about me.

Another curse hit my shoulder, along with another hitting my side. I fell to the floor, hitting my head making me groan. I tried getting up but my dad stepped on my stomach forcefully with his foot, making me cough in pain, each breath hurting. He kicked me in the side twice, I tried to curled into a ball in self defense but he wouldn't let me, keeping his foot on my stomach.

"Maybe I'll just kill you here, no one would miss you anyway, I don't know who would want to miss you." He stepped harder on my stomach, pressing the tip of his wand into my neck.

"Expecto patronum!" A familiar voice shouted from down the hall, I turned my head in hope to see it was Harry, running towards us, his wand pointed at my father. "Get off him!" Harry shouted, gesturing at me with his wand. Father glared.

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