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I stepped out of the shower, water dripping down my body. I shivered as soon as I stepped out into the cold air, wrapping a towel around myself, quickly putting on a shirt and pants so I didn't have to deal with the cold air. It was just a plain grey shirt--longsleeved--with black pants. I stepped out of the bathroom, walking over to my bed, noticing people were just now waking up--I twisted my mouth up disdainfully.

I slipped my Slytherin robe on over my clothes, not caring my hair was still wet, actually right now I didn't care about anything in general except the fact I had a dream that Harry kissed me, now that scared me. I don't think I'll be able to even look at him in the same way again--I don't think I'll be able to ever look at him really.

I grabbed my bag, putting my charms, runes, defense against the dark arts, potions, and magical creatures books into it, sighing. I had potions and magical creatures with Potter--great, that's just fantastic isn't it, especially after last night with him wrapping his arms around me in a comforting way. He was the only one who knew about my father, I was still expecting him to tell someone about it and laugh with them, making fun of me and the emotional breakdown that had occurred last night.

I sighed, not wanting to have to deal with classes or Potter but, knowing I would have to face both at some point in life, I got up and walked up to the common room, not surprised when I saw Pansy sitting in a chair closest to the boys dormitorys, seeming to be waiting for me.

"Hey Draco." She said in a sickly sweet voice and I made a face, cringing away from her.

"Hello Pansy." I sighed out, just wanting to be alone before I had to face Potter. She pouted.

"Nice to see you too, Draco." I smiled sheepishly, and walked out of the common room with her.

"I'm just not in a good mood today."

"When aren't you in a bad mood?" I glared at her, her smile falling slightly. "Okay, note taken, don't mess with the slightly dramatic self-absorbed queen." She sounded annoyed, but her eyes betrayed her amusement. I sniffed and lifted my head up, walking into the great hall and sitting down.

My eyes drifted towards the Gryffindor table and I was surprised to find Harry sitting at the table, already staring at me. I glared at him and looked down at my plate, putting food onto it. More and more students came as time passed slowly until almost the whole school was sitting at their tables; talk and laughter hung in the air, which made me confused. There was a war going on yet they were still happy? People were so confusing.

I refused to look at Potter, he had seen me in my weakest state and I couldn't deal with that. Maybe I should just avoid him all together, yeah, I'll do that, that should work.


"You've been avoiding me." I glared at him as he pushed me into an empty classroom. I should have known it wouldn't work, yet I had to try.

"You're right, I have been avoiding you. Now, if you please..." I gestured to the door he was standing in front of, in the way of the only exit to exit the hot, muggy classroom. Harry sighed.

"I know you're feeling vulnerable right now, but I'm not going to judge you or tell anybody. Draco, I saw you last night. I saw you--without the Malfoy mask You're always wearing." I looked down, trying not to just scream in his face that I didn't care what he thought and that last night was just a one time thing; I wasn't going to cry anymore.

"I'm not feeling vulnerable just because you see me in an awkward situation--"

"It wasn't just an awkward situation, Draco! You were sobbing! You literally were about to die at your father's hands! It isn't okay and don't act like it is!"

"I never said it was okay, Harry! But don't you think that maybe I'm acting like everything is fine and normal because I want it be?! I'm struggling too! Everything you're telling me I know!" Harry sighed, stepping towards me.

"I know, Draco. I just want to help like I've told you a million times." I looked at him, glaring.

"I know that once you have the chance to humiliate me, you will. People may see a hero who cares about people but I see you for what you really are, you're going to tell everyone about my messed up life and all me emotional breakdowns."

"I won't-I'll even do the unbreakable vow if I have to." My eyes widened in disbeleif.

"Are you serious?" He nodded. "Why would you go through all this when you're winning nothing in return?" He hesitated.

"I don't know..." he said, looking at me in the eye.

"Its not like were friends, Potter." He stared at me.

"We could be Draco, we could be friends if you would let us, if you would let me help you. I wouldn't mind being friends with you because I saw something, I saw a part in you I've never seen before, Draco." I looked away. Everything he was saying was a lie, I wasn't good at anything and whoever he saw was probably from his imaginination, but I wasn't about to say that out loud.

"Draco, we need to talk about what happened."

"No we don't, now move or I'll be late to class."

"No, Draco. " I glared at him.

"Move, Potter."

"Draco, if we could just-"

"Move!" I pushed Harry but Harry caught my hands in his own, pulling me closer to him. I stared in his lively, emerald, green eyes.

"Draco." He muttered my name and I suddenly remembered the dream I had, making me flush.

"What?" I snapped and he furrowed his brows but let go of my hands.

"Can we just talk?" I glared at him.

"No." With that I walked out the door of the classroom he had pushed me into.

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