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I poked at my food, not hungry, I was feeling pressured. I didn't know if I should confront Potter so he didn't tell anyone or if I should just let things happen. But knowing me I would confront him, sooner or later, and I would confront him after dinner. There's no way I would feel even decent if I just let this one go, he had seen my father abuse me, he had seen me weak, and that was unacceptable. I really hoped he hadn't told anyone, if he did, somehow word would get back to my father and knowing him, he would probably disown me for making him look bad. He didn't need me to look bad, he already was.

My mother was much more sensitive, and when my father laid a hand on her when I was there I would always get in his way, that's why I get hit so much, because I refuse to let him my mother, she had always been there for me, maybe not physically, but mentally. My father can take away all he wants from me, but he can't take my mother away, that's where I draw the line. I know it must hurt her to see her son getting hit but what could she do? The only reason why my mother and father were married in the first place was because it had been arranged.

I looked at Potter, he was also sitting there with his head down, not eating and ignoring his friends. I felt another surge of anger rush through me. What right? What right did he have to also feel bad? This was my problem not his. He doesn't get to feel bad, he doesn't get to pretend, to fake that he cares, I think we all know he's just waiting to rub it in my face the next time we're fighting. I stabbed at my food violently, angry, trying not to just let all my magic go and destroy everything near me.

Some Slytherins stared at me weirdly and I glared at them, baring my teeth making them look away quickly. I wasn't going to leave until Potter did, so I could confront him. Finally, after twenty minutes he got up, dismissing his friends and walking out of the great hall. I got up as well, walking quickly so I could catch up with him. "Potter!" I shouted, limping towards him, I had refused to go to the hospital wing again so my side would hurt if I stood up straight. Potter turned around, seeing it was me his eyes turned guarded, hand going into his pocket. He expected me to curse him? Well that wasn't a bad idea.

I snorted. "I'm not going to hurt you... Unless my make me." I added, Potter glared. I turned serious again. "Don't tell anyone what you saw, with what happened with my father." I said, and this time it was Potter who snorted.

"Its like you don't want people to help Draco. Its like you think you're better off alone, well your not. We all know the only reason your acting like this, so emotionless and mean is because of your dictator father. I finally get it, your scared, scared and alone, and because your alone you tell yourself it's better to be alone, because that's all you've ever known; you've never had a real friend, have you?" That hit too close to home, and I walked right over and grabbed his collar, nose touching nose. I glared into his eyes, breathing heavily.

"Don't tell anyone." I whispered threateningly. He scoffed in disbelief.

"Are you blind?" He asked me. "I'm trying to help you Draco! I won't tell anyone, okay? But just let me help--"

"I don't need any help!" I shouted, eyes stinging, I bit my tounge to stop me from crying, trying to focus on anything other than what was happening at that moment. "I especially don't need yours! I'm fine, he didn't even really hurt me--" Harry cut me off with a laugh full of disbelief.

"Draco! He kicked you, stomped on your stomach and slapped you! And don't tell me you don't need help, I know you're just saying that, your lying to yourself Draco. You're already so far gone, are you really gonna let your father win? He's breaking you Draco, and your letting him."

"Don't." I hissed. "You don't know anything about--"

"I've known you since we were eleven, and now we're seventeen Draco, I think I know at least a little bit about you." I glared at him. "Draco." He said, looking into my eyes, pleading for me to listen to him. "Your life is going to get so bad, Draco, so bad if you keep letting your father do this to you, it isn't okay. You may be scarred now, but at least you know you are, in the future if this keeps happening, you won't even know who you are anymore."

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