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I sat tense, the words Slughorn was saying was going in one ear and out the other as I waited for Potter to say something. But he said nothing, the only thing he did was write notes on his parchment with his quill. I tapped my fingers on the desk quickly, feeling annoyed at how tense I was. I sighed loudly, putting my head in my hands, scraping them through my hair. I hadn't realized that Slughorn had stopped talking.

"Is there a problem?" He asked, looking at me with curious, big eyes. I immediately shook my head, not wanting all the attention on me, I was already annoyed as I was, wouldn't want to get even more annoyed.

"No." I simply responded, he went back to talking but I could see Potter staring at me from the corner of my eye. I leaned my head back, trying to distract myself. I ran my hands through my hair multiple times, playing with it and rubbing some strands of hair between my pointer finger and thumb. I loved my hair, it wasn't too long but wasn't too short, just perfect really. I looked at Potter to see if he was still watching me. He was. His eyes were studying my every move, seeming more drawn to my hair at the moment because I was playing with it. I huffed, annoyed.

"Do you need something?" I asked, feeling agitated. Potter then whipped his head in the other direction, acting as if he hadn't been just staring at me for three minutes. I sighed, staring at my blank piece of parchment with a shrug, I already knew what Slughorn was teaching anyway.

"Why do you let your father do it?" Potter whispered, leaning his head near mine, making it so no one heard him. I saw Granger and Weasel staring at him with questioning looks. I sniffed, glaring at him.

"Do what?" I asked tensely. Was he really going to talk about it here? Had he no respect?

"You know what I'm talking about, Draco." I held my quill so tight it snapped.

"You don't call me that." I hissed, looking into his eyes threateningly. "We're not friends or allies. You don't know me well enough to call me that, you have no right."

"And your so called friends do? They don't even really know you and the only reason why they hang out with you is because you're wealthy. And Parkinson only hangs out with you because she thinks your good looking. Even I know you better than they do, and I'm not even your friend."

"You're right." I said, taking Potter by surprise. "You're not my friend so stop calling me 'Draco'. Also if you're trying to tell me everything that's wrong with my life you don't need to, I already know."

"You may already know but you still need to hear it, I get that we're not friends and you hate me--"

"Don't turn this around on me, I tried being your friend and you spat at the opportunity." Potter sighed sadly.

"You're right, and I'm sorry about that but--"

"Do you boys have something you want to share?" Slughorn asked, looking annoyed at us, causing everyone to look at us as well.

"Actually yeah." I said annoyed, causing Slughorns eyebrows to go up. "Can I sit somewhere else?" I asked, hoping he would say yes. Harry sighed, tapping his quill against his parchment.

"Everywhere else is full, but if someone is okay with switching seats then yes, you may sit somewhere else." I looked around, hoping someone would want to switch seats with me.

"You could switch seats with me." Said a light, dreamy voice. I turned to the side and from across the room I saw it had Loony Lovegood that had spoken. I got my stuff together and walked over to where she had been sitting a moment ago. She got up, her bag on her shoulder and walked over to the seat next to Harry. I sat down, feeling victorious. I looked back at Harry, smirking, he only shook his head, mouthing the words, "I was only trying to help." I did a rather crude sign with my hand, showing him I didn't care that he had been trying to help. He looked back down at his parchment going back to writing his notes. I huffed, looking up at Slughorn who was talking once more, not listening to a single word he said, feeling more bored than I did last time.

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