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Life is such a beautiful thing to know and to understand.
What we don't get is how to utilize it and stay with its rules. The more and more we want to enjoy the nature's beauty the more are we causing it to diminish it's beauty.. We must stay with it and follow it's rules.

We say god will protect us but is god alive? Are we really protected by god? Or is it our inner belief which makes us protect ourselves?

We make choices, we deal with numerous situations to the start till the end and after the end too.. But what do we realize? We realize that we only regretted our whole life..

The rich have all they want to but do they have happiness? Do they have a peace of mind? Do they have some souls, their own souls with whom they can share or do something? The last thing they do is regret.

Talking about the poor, they don't have money but they have happiness.. Do they really? They regret..

Life has a different way of teaching us different lessons and testing our capabilities to really belong to this world.. It is we who have to be strong and prove ourselves capable.. Not by demanding and ruling but by sacrificing and having peace.

You must have heard the saying ' survival of the strongest '..this definitely may imply that the stronger eats the poor... But there are hidden meanings to it..

In today's world monks, saints, priests still do exist, why?.. People still choose their profession to be one of them... They don't earn money.. Then why do they want be like that ?

The answer is because they want to be saints, monks, etc. Haha
Anyways, we don't know why people choose their profession as such... Each and every soul has his / her different meaning for that..

When we have a chance to choose we should make a wise decision.. One wrong step makes regretion take place.. Really is that so?.. No

Taking a wrong step many lead you to fall or even to look at the positive side it may make you rise.. A step or a wrong or right decision doesn't create failure... It is upon us how we tackle the problems and face what comes in our way to a peaceful death...

Peaceful death? Yes.. We are brought to this world to make a difference and to understand the reason behind this creation..
At last we have to face death.. And a death without a hint of regret is what tells that you have enjoyed your birth in this universe and made a difference..

In today's generation, competition has become a sickness... Each and everyone tries to win... To attain success in one's field... But has anyone thought about learning and the beautiful experience of living with this beautiful nature?
Money , money, money.... This only brings you temporary luxury and happiness... If you want something permanent then that is living lively and enjoying each and every second with happiness surrounding you and your inner self..

Each one of us has different way of living their own lives... We cannot force them to be good or bad.. They are born to be good or bad.. We can only teach, explain and guide such people..

The ones who realize their purpose in life are great souls .
Because others just after success and happiness which they can only experience with they knowing their purpose in life.

We should never regret anything we have done... Because that makes us weak and want more.. Yes we fight for what we should have gotten but even after getting that thing the regret still wanders somewhere or the other within us....

You should make no decisions but experience your choices..

After all it is us who makes difference in ours and others lives..

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