10. Rude Awakening

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It's scary when you get the most devastating experience of your life. You don't understand how to respond or react to the situation which you have never even dreamed of. That one incident then makes you think about it over and over again. if it is happening for the first time then that is more like a bombshell. You don't understand what to do or what to say ...some people do feel this way and some don't. However one never knows how one gets a bolt from the blue.

Youngsters live without fear as they know they have their parents who will support them in every phase of life, but little do they know about the dangerous world they are born into for which they have to be prepared or say be bold enough to tackle the hurdles on their way...this definitely is not an easy task but yet they are reluctant to step out of their cucoon and face the world because they are getting utmost love from their parents.. some youngsters think that they are brave enough to fight the world just because they have achieved something which they happily term as success by betraying someone for their own good..is this right?

It is rather true that in today's world one achieves sucess by betraying others..but can that person live happily?

As a child when you grow and experience the bitter facts of life and it's conditions, it becomes more and more delicate to carry yourself with all the emotions...

You get to know that everyone is not what you assume them to be.. They just show their fake faces in front of you so that you like them or worst you start to believe them... You start to trust them blindly and then that is the time when you fall in their trap.. Now you don't know that the damage has already happened... All you know is you trust the person so much that you even tell your secrets to them.. Not to mention, all of it. Suddenly, you get to your senses and realize that you are trapped.... Trapped under the spell of the person whom you trust so blindly that there is no going back. You feel lost. You feel betrayed, used and drained...

For a long time you are crestfallen and broken-hearted...you feel mixed emotions running through you..and the anger makes it's way up till the brain and it controls your mind finally leading to destruction... Destruction of whom? You yourself. That person you most trusted and had faith in will break your heart a million times and yet you can neither forget nor forgive them.

It happens to the people who are weak and they need to realize that someone breaking your trust or betraying you does not make any difference in your lifestyle.  The one that makes the difference in your life is you. You are the one to choose whom to trust...
There might be a person who might have broken your trust..but under what reasons?
If the person realizes that you trust him then he won't use you.. Some people are not to be trusted but some are and we don't know how to identify amongst them... Then trust your instincts. Look for positiveness in the situation, look for the good things happened or done,  that way you can identify the fault.

Now sometime there is this one event which hurts the most and never seems to be heeling and you go with the flow of life.. No..
Stop then and there and come out of it. Even if it hurts you to be in the similar situation, be there and speak out. Make it all clean and clear. Fight for yourself because nothing matters more than your life and that cannot be controlled by other's opinion, work, criticism, betrayal, emotions, and most importantly words.

Definitely the rude awakening shakes the hell out of us and that is our clue that you need to get out and fly above.
There are may ways to approach the difficult situation if you are stuck at one. Think and take action. Be truthful through your words, never be heartless to anyone, despite the situation because it is the original you and not what you have heard, read or seen and imitated.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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