2. Adjustment

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Everything in our life is not as we expect it to be. Adjustment is such a thing that we have to get used to in our existence in this world.

Have you ever been happy when someone is not listening to you?
Or someone is ignoring you? Well yes, sometimes when we don't want it to be in specific cases.. But talking in general..

We tend to make and place our ego above all which makes us unable to adjust to situations. This is wrong.. You need to understand what others think, how they want themselves be treated and what they expect from you your behaviour towards a certain situation.

It is right to be yourself and do not as to please others but behave the way you are.. But there are some times when you have to adjust according to the matter.

People now a days think about themselves and their comfort zones,which makes them irrational and treat others badly and hurt others without caring about their feelings.. Is it a right thing to do?

In every phase of life you need to adjust and cooperate and be mature enough to handle a matter effectively.

The anger gets on you when always the things don't go your way.. You get agitated and feel depressed.. Just because you can't adjust?...

You enjoy your life when you adjust and help others be with the one who needs you... You are precious,  you are unique and different,  special.. You need to be the change you want to see in your future self and cherish it later on .

However,  we should be happy even if people are being egoistic and dooming others because we unlike them are mature and how to deal with the situation... And this is how we learn to adjust with everything.

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