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Many of us are not confident enough to face the upcoming situations in our life... We tend to look at the negative side of every situation...in the sense instead of finding good and positiveness in a matter we give an upper place to the little negative thing in that matter and we end up loosing our self confidence ...

Also many of us look at the bright side in every situation and believe in ourselves and our capabilities and they are able to do the task effectively... It is a good thing... Not everybody can have it to do it.. But we must try.. As said 'try try till you succeed '.

Confidence in ourselves plays a vital role in our life... It shows us the right path in life and if we do any mistakes, we are able to learn from the mistakes and face the matter with confidence. With confidence comes positiveness....if we ourselves are confident then those confident vibes shines inside and outside of us which inspires other people to he confident and daring.

Being confident not only makes us daring and strong but also inspires others to be daring and strong enough to do any task or deal with a matter effectively. So it is important to have self confidence and be confident whenever possible... Precisely always.

We cannot even imagine what our future might have in store for us... So we need to be confident and believe in ourselves while doing anything or taking important decisions... We have second thoughts , we take time to make some decisions in our life but of we have faith in ourselves then we can save time and take decisions correctly... Also later we don't regret what we do..

However doing things and taking desicions should be about good things and not in bad ways or bad things... We should be confident when we do good things.. Like while telling the truth... Even while lying we should be confident enough to admit our mistake and say the truth instead of lying... Some people lie with confidence but that is wrong... They need to tell the truth with confidence and stop lying....lying can cause the person to keep on lying his whole life and his life will one day become a lie...

Anyways, in life, at every single time we must develop our trust in ourself and be confident and spread positivity within others and inspire others too...
Taking desicions be it small or big, we need to be confident and happy with our desicions and we will enjoy our life till the end.

So be happy ,stay positive and confident spreading the same in this world.

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