9. Freedom from Toxicity

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Take a step back and reflect upon the kind of life you are living right now. Are you really living or simply existing?  What pulls you down?  Maybe it's the toxicity you have accumulated all these years from your surroundings. Vitality and toxicity cannot co-exist.

Toxins breed disease. Toxins are basically substances which produce physical, emotional and psychological imbalances in an individual. This imbalance could be manifested by our body through organ malfunction, low immunity, aches and pains, hormonal imbalance or digestive issues. Toxins are lurking everywhere and in everyone. Air, water, food, people and thoughts - everything contributes to toxicity. While toxins through food, air and water are not under our control, our mental health definitely is.

How do negative thoughts, people and relationships contribute to toxicity and how do we seek freedom from them? It's often said that 'it's not about what you eat, it's about what eats you'. Negative and toxic thoughts eat us up from within. Thoughts are powerful. They carry a lot of energy. We can either channelise that energy to think positively or negatively. Every single negative word or thought that we hear, think or speak affects the chemistry in out body.

Get rid of toxic thoughts. The powerful of thought also impacts healing in a big way. It's proved beyond doubt that chronic anger, greed, fear, jealousy, worry, ill-will, hatred, arrogance, resentment, guilt, negative energies eat us from inside faster than any disease. It's these emotions that affect digestion, assimilation of food, absorption, kidneys, lungs and more. Hence mid-body healing practices like gratitude, positive affirmations, art of appreciation, accepting and letting go, positive visualisations, yoga, pranayama, meditation should be given equal importance when it comes to healing a disease. It's extremely important that we grow and nurture out emotional self every single day. It's the only pill to gain emotional balance.

Pick your people. In the same way, sometimes even relationships can become toxic. It could be a relationship with your friend, colleague, boss, neighbour or even your family member. Just delete them from your life, maintain a distance and offer then a silent prayer. Do not try too hard to please them because they will always pull you down, create insecurities, drain all your energy and dent your mind, even if you choose not to react. Similarly, move away from situations, things or events that pull you down and make you feel negative. Prefer groups that discuss ideas, not people.

The one freedom that one cannot live without is to be free - in spirit and thought. These are integral to our existence. The moment we owe our thoughts to another person, we become slaves. The freedom to change one's mind and one's heart is paramount for existence.

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