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"Do you remember how we met?" Jinyoung asked.
"Of course I do! It was because of Jennie and Jaebum right?" Jisoo giggled at the thought.
"Unnie, you want to have guy friends right? Jaebum has a friend who is exactly like you, quite except he is an introvert and he is looking for a girl - friend as of now, his name is Jinyoung, a liberal arts student. If you are interested, meet me at the Café outside school at 8pm tonight." Jennie mentioned before leaving for classes.
"Okay, I shall consider it." Jisoo responded.
It was now half past 7, Jisoo have not made up her mind just yet but it was getting late.
"I mean there's no harm right? Just making friends, easy game. Okay Kim Jisoo go get ready now or you'll be late!" Jisoo murmured under her breath.
"I think she will be here soon. Jinyoung don't be afraid she isn't that scary as she seems she is in fact really warm and friendly!" Jennie assured Jinyoung who was indeed very nervous and just nodded in response.
"She's here!" Jennie exclaimed.
All three of them turned their back to the door, seeing Jisoo opened the door gracefully with an aura.
"Wow she is pretty stunning, gosh." Jinyoung muttered softly only he could hear it and stared at Jisoo until she reached the table.
"Hi, I am Jisoo. I am an literal arts student, same as you I suppose, Jinyoung?" Jisoo beamed with a grin on her face.
"Er yes, I think I have seen you before in lectures." Jinyoung stumbled while talking, he broke out in cold sweat.
"Don't be so nervous." Jaebum whispered into his ears.
They ordered food and starting talking about their common interests,school and more until before anyone knew, time had flew and it was time to head back into the dorm as there was school the next day.
"Hey Jisoo! Can I get your number? Er I just want to get closer you know?" Jinyoung asked nervously.
"It's okay if you don't —" he continued before Jisoo suddenly said.
"Ah, it's okay I will give it to you, give me your phone!" Jisoo giggled at his nervousness.
Jinyoung sent Jisoo back to the dorm before heading back to his own dorm as he walked he thought, "Wow she's so pretty inside out, I think I will fall for her but do I stand a chance?".
Jisoo and Jinyoung have been exchanging texts everyday, meeting for lunch before heading for lectures together, study dates. Both of them knew they didn't just want a friendship, they wanted something more than a friendship — being in a relationship. Both of them didn't want to confess, afraid of beng rejected, afraid it would ruin their already perfect friendship.
"Come on, just go confess why are you being such a coward?" Jaebum snapped at Jinyoung as he said that for the 20th time, constantly repeating himself.
"Unnie, you know me and Jaebum had the same problem, we were afraid, afraid that if we got rejected then all our friendship that we had built over the years would be gone. But I knew that I had to tell him that I really like him even if I get rejected it would just be part of life, carved deeply in my memories. Just go on Unnie, I trust in you and I trust Jinyoung does feels the same about you, I have seen him glancing at you and smiling while covering his face thinking nobody would noticed but I did." Jennie smirked.
"Yes you are right." Jisoo and Jinyoung said it at the same time.
"It's 14 february, have you got any plans?" Jinyoung trembled while asking Jisoo wishing that she didn't had any.
"Yes. With Mr Kim's never-ending essays and Ms Oh's literature project." Jisoo grunted and rolled her eyes.
Jinyoung's heart almost stopped beating until he heard her explain.
"Ah, are you free to head out today?" Jinyoung asked.
"I am afraid... Yes." Jisoo answered.
"Okay, usual place at 8pm tonight. See you!" Jinyoung beamed cheerfully.
"Okay Jinyoung do not panic, let's get a balloon and cards right, shall we?" Jinyoung muttered.
It was half past 7 now, Jinyoung was ready to head to the Café and surprise Jisoo with the help of the shop owner.
"Wear denim? Wear floral? What should I wear? Today is such an important day gosh." Jisoo thought to herself that today must never go wrong she didn't felt like being embarrased infront of her crush. Yes, she too, was going to confess to Jinyoung.
"I am late!" Jisoo yelled across the hallway and ran as fast as lightning to get to the Café.
"I am sorry. I-I-I am late!" Jisoo said as she gasped for air and trying to get her breathing right.
"It's okay." Jinyoung grinned.
"I have something to say." Jisoo suddenly serious confessed.
"Yeah what, I have something to say first but you shall go first." Jinyoung rejoiced.
"Today is Valentine's day and I just want to say I really like you. I don't even know since when did I actually fell for you, you seemed so indifferent from the guys I had met previously, you made me felt so happy whenever I am with you. I know I am taking a risk too, for you might not feel the same but Jennie is right. Even if I get rejected I still want you to know that I —" Jisoo starting sputtering her words out only to be interrupted.
"I like you Kim Jisoo, I have been sure of that since the day I met you at the Café, remember? I, too, was planning to confess, a part of me was scared to confess but a part of me just was going to go with it. Now that you have confessed your true feelings, would you be my girlfriend?" Jinyoung said with confidence.
Jisoo nodded and tears of joy starting welling up in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks like rivulets.
"Thank you for making it a happy memory." Jisoo smiled.

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