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"Maybe time will heal everything." Nayeon thought to herself.
It's been two years since Nayeon and Jinyoung had broken up.
Perhaps people may say she is stupid, thinking that Jinyoung still loves her and didn't meant to hurt her, she was wrong.
They used to be so happy and loving — A perfect relationship anyone could ask for.
Supportive of each other in every single way but it all went downhill when they started to distrust each other.
Whenever Nayeon walked past the Café they used to patronised together brings back bittersweet memories of them.
Drinking coffee, mugging for exams whatsoever, laughing. It all seems like it was just yesterday they were there.
"I still miss him dearly." Those were the five words Nayeon said almost every single day.
No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get over him, was she stupid?
They got together at around 2013 when the both of them were in high school, Jinyoung was immensely popular, Head Boy of the school. Nayeon was a mediocre student, studying hard to get into the course of her choice.
It was like a Cinderella fairytale to Nayeon, a popular Head Boy notices her and even went out with her, everyone was indeed jealous of her but she doesn't seem to care much because maybe Jinyoung's love was all she needed.
They spent most of their time together studying for Jinyoung wanted to get into a Literature course as he loved reading — Nayeon on the other hand despises reading as she finds it a waste of time, movies are a better choice for her instead.
Of course in a relationship they would be ups and downs and their relationship is no exception, they fought over the slightest thing such as a book, however they do make up quite quickly.
Their usual dates includes going to a cafe to order an Iced Americano or Caramel Latte and stays until the shop closes before heading back home.
Going to parks after school or the library was such a norm back then before things started to get hectic.
"I love you, everything's gonna be okay." Was what Nayeon needed when she was feeling down or stressed out.
Seeing Jinyoung really calms her down better than anything, his presence is like a gift to her.
When they received their SAT results, Jinyoung applied to Literature course in University while Nayeon applied to her dream course — Film. Both of them kind of went separate ways but still spent time together however less than usual.
They could feel each other drifting further and further, their conversations became short and awkward sometimes they wouldn't meet for at least a month.
Nayeon was feeling upset in her dorm one day when she received the text by Jinyoung.

"Can we meet?"
"Sure Jinyoungie."
"Usual place at 8pm."

Jinyoung was waiting at the door for Nayeon, tapping his feet nervously.
"Jinyoungie." Nayeon went up to hugged him to expect a different reaction, he simply shrugged and pull out from the hug slowly.
"I have something to tell you." Jinyoung spoke slowly but carefully.
Nayeon was hoping it wasn't it but it was something she dreaded so badly even though she knew they were drifting really apart by now.
"I think we should break up." Jinyoung said simply.
"Why?" Nayeon doubted he was speaking the truth, perhaps he was being forced.
"This isn't true right? You are lying right? Is it a game? Stop it, it's not funny Jinyoungie." Nayeon smiled and shook Jinyoung's arm.
Jinyoung took Nayeon's hands that were on his shoulders down slowly and started speaking.
"No Nayeon, this is not a game. I am being very serious. We should break up." Jinyoung said in a matter-of-factly tone.
"No why?" Nayeon's eyebrows furrowed and her smile slowly faded from her face.
"Because we have nothing much in common now." Jinyoung said.
Tears streamed down her face before she even realises it.
"You like someone else?" Nayeon asked with her voice shaking.
"It doesn't matter at this stage does it?" Jinyoung hissed.
"It does. Jinyoung, how could you do this to me? I love you so much, how could you?" Nayeon sobbed.
"I will go now, I've said what I want. None of these matters anymore, we are just a past tense." Jinyoung said walking away.
Nayeon went home in hot tears dripping down her cheeks, crying for several hours before falling asleep.

"It's been 2 years and you still can't get over him?" Jeongyeon snapped.
"You need to find yourself a better man, he doesn't deserve you." Jeongyeon continued.
"I've loved him for 3 years, how can you automatically no longer love someone like you used to?" Nayeon answered back.
"I know it hurts, definitely. But you need get a grip on yourself and stand strong. Show him what you are worth." Jeongyeon said.
"I will try. Goodbye." Nayeon walked aimlessly, in the end walking into the streets of Hongdae.
Again, it reminds her of her date with Jinyoung in the past.
After walking for several minutes, she caught a glimpse of him.
However he was smiling sweetly and holding another girl's hand and the girl smiled at her sweetly.

However he was smiling sweetly and holding another girl's hand and the girl smiled at her sweetly

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He avoided eyecontact with Nayeon but instead cling on his girlfriend and walked away

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He avoided eyecontact with Nayeon but instead cling on his girlfriend and walked away.
Seeing that, tears streamed down Nayeon's face yet again. Never once she never did that seeing anything related to him besides it's him this time she's facing no longer pictures or memories it is Jinyoung.
His girlfriend went forward to Nayeon.
"Hey, why are you crying? Are you okay?" Jisoo smiled.
Nayeon looked up and saw Jinyoung and his girlfriend.
"Yeah I am, thank you." Nayeon answered abruptly.
"Everything is going to be okay. Trust me." Jisoo assured her, with that she walked away clutching onto Jinyoung's hands tightly.
"Jinyoung" Nayeon called out in which both of them turned back.
Jisoo gave a puzzled look, looking at Jinyoung and back to Nayeon.
"Give a moment." Jinyoung whispered to Jisoo in her ears.
"It's been long." Nayeon finally spoke.
"I am sorry." Jinyoung apologised.
"I shouldn't have said that 2 years ago. I mean I should have said sorry but I didn't. I am sorry." Jinyoung continued.
"I can't forget you yet." Nayeon stuttered.
"Nayeon, we are over already. You should get over me, you deserves someone better. I hope you will forget me soon, got to go." Jinyoung walked towards Jisoo who was smiling and waving at Nayeon.
"Maybe I should. It's time to let go. He looks so happy with her, I should be happy for them." Nayeon pondered and smiled to herself.
She had finally let go, no longer have struggles with him. To her, that was a happy ending.

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